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2023 Annual Conference

NEPPA’s 2023 Annual Conference will be held August 20-23, 2023 at The Mystic Marriott Hotel.  Join your professional colleagues for 3 days of educational sessions, roundtables, networking, sponsor exhibits, and more!


click button below to register online

click tab below for more information 

Agenda 2023

Agenda details are still being finalized and are therefore subject to change.

Sunday, August 20, 2023  

2:00 PM Registration, Welcome Wagon

3:30 PM Member Value Committee Meeting

4:00 PM Support NEPPA's Student Scholarship Fund

6:00 PM Welcome Reception 

Monday, August 21, 2023

7:00 AM Registration, Breakfast 

8:00 AM Welcome & Opening Remarks

8:15 AM Welcome from Connecticut 

8:45 AM Keynote: Mr. Gordon van Welie, President and CEO of ISO New England Inc.


9:45 AM Break and Visit with Sponsors  

10:00 AM General Session #1  Fuels Futures & Market Analytics by Mike Zenker, NextEra

11:00 AM Break and Visit Sponsors

11:15 AM General Session #2  The Cool New Thing in superconducting - Transmission Capacity at Distribution Voltage by Stephen Conant, VEIR

How superconductors are cooled limited their broadscale adoption on the electric grid.  New methods for cooling being developed by VEIR will for the first time allow superconductors to be deployed overhead and over long distances, while moving five to ten times capacity of traditional conductors within existing corridors.

12:15 PM Lunch and Visit with Sponsors

1:15 PM General Session #3 Nuclear Carbon Free Generation - Short & Long term vision - Millstone by Michael O'Conner, Millstone/ Dominion Energy

2:15 PM Break and Visit with Sponsors 

2:30 PM General Session #4  Insights from MIT's Future Energy Systems Center on the pathways to Net Zero by  John Parsons, MIT


3:45 PM Annual Business Meeting

4:00 PM Advocacy & Reporting Committee Meeting 

5:45 PM Children's Program 

6:00 PM Networking Reception 

7:00 PM Awards Dinner

9:00 PM Music and Open Bar Hosted by Energy New England

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

7:00 AM Breakfast

8:00 AM General Session #5  Legislative Update by Elizabeth Whitney, Principal, Meguire Whitney, LLC.

9:00 AM Break and Visit Sponsors 

9:15 AM General Session #6  Electrifying Everything: What the IRA's Electrification Incentives Mean for Utilities by Noah Goldmann, Rewiring America

The Inflation Reduction Act will incentivize millions of additional heat pump and electric vehicle sales over the next ten years, increasing electricity demand and changing electricity utilization patterns. Come learn about the IRA’s residential and commercial electrification incentives, their potential effects, and how utilities stand to gain. 

10:15 AM Break and Visit Sponsors 

10:30 AM General Session #7 High Level Overview of the Threat Landscape with Emphasis Physical Security by Manny Cancel, E-ISAC

11:30 AM Box Lunch  

11:45 AM Benevolent Fund Activities:

#1 Golf Tournament -Shotgun Start at 1:00 PM 

Lunch for Golfers at Course - Only
 Pequot Golf Club 
127 Wheeler Road
Stonington, CT 06378 

#2 Benevolent Fund:
Mystic Aquarium 
55 Coogan Blvd.
Mystic, CT 06355 

5:00 PM  Dinner on Own 

7:00 PM Tournament Awards 

7:30 PM #NEPPAYPG Meet-up (Young Professional Group):

Ghost Tour and Pub Crawl
Meet at 7:15 pm at the Big Whale
53 W. Main Street
Mystic, CT 06355

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

7:00 AM Farewell Breakfast 

9:00 AM NEPPA Board of Directors Meeting 

11:00 AM Conference Adjourns

“The Annual Conference is a great way to learn about current issues, and the latest trends in the industry.  It also provides a perfect opportunity to network with folks you otherwise wouldn’t have the chance to meet.”

Kimberly Holmes

General Manager, Taunton Municipal Lighting Plant

" NEPPA is a great organization that brings the industry and the people in it together. The Okonite Company has been an Associate Member for many years, and appreciates the support and collaboration NEPPA offers. The Annual Meeting provides an opportunity to interact with many members on a personal and professional level that you don’t find in many places.”

Allyn Mathieson

The Okonite Company

click here for printable registration form

click here for printable Agenda - updated 8.14.23 

Registration 2023

Attendee Registration:

NEPPA's 2023 Annual Conference will be held August 20-23, 2023 at the Mystic Marriott Hotel & Spa (625 North Road, Groton, CT 06340).  Join your professional colleagues for 3 days of educational sessions, roundtables, networking, sponsor exhibits and more!


2023 Attendee Registration Fees: 

By July 17th After July 17th
Utility Member/ Commissioner - $795 Utility Member/ Commissioner - $895
First Corporate Member (one complimentary registration) - Contact NEPPA  
Additional Corporate Member/ Associate Member - $850 Additional Corporate Member/ Associate Member - $950
Non-Member - $1,095 Non-Member - $1,195
Monday, August 21st ONLY (Member/ Non-Member)  - $425/ $625 Monday, August 21st ONLY (Member/ Non-Member)  - $525/ $725
Tuesday, August 22nd ONLY (Member/ Non-Member)  - $325/ $525 Tuesday, August 22nd ONLY (Member/ Non-Member)  - $425/ $625
Guest of Child 17+ - $200 each Guest of Child 17+ - $250 each
Child Under 17 - $150 each Child Under 17 - $200 each
Award Dinner Only Guest - $125 each Award Dinner Only Guest - $150 each

Not yet a member? Join today and save money on your conference registration. Call 978-540-2200 or email

Printable Attendee Registration Form

Click here for Printable Agenda - coming soon 

Sponsor Registration 2023

Support NEPPA's Annual Conference and reap the benefits of engaging with hundreds of public power leaders from all over the Northeast Region.  Want to sponsor something that is not listed?  Contact Wendy Esche at of call the office at (978) 540-2200.

*Display table space is limited to Platinum & Gold Sponsor participants and will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

Please select your sponsorship from the opportunities listed below and return this form to


Sponsorship Opportunities

2022 Sponsors


Be Noticed Platinum Gold Silver Bronze
Logo Placement on Sponsor Signs On-Site at Conference X X X X
Badge Ribbon Designation X X X X
Company Logo in Promotional & On-Site Materials X X X X
Verbal Recognition at Award Dinner X X X X
Attendee Contact List (One Week Prior to Event) X X X
Table-Top Display & Attendance for 1 Company Rep. X X
Special Signage (See Opportunities Below) X X  
Special Signage at Reception, Dinner or Benevolent Fund Activity (See Opportunities Below) X      

Platinum Level Sponsorship Opportunities  ($1,650)
(Qty. Available - See breakdown where appropriate.) 

Branding:  (3 ea.) Lanyards, (3 ea.) Conference App
Welcome Reception:  (3 ea.) Sunday, August 20th
Keynote Speaker:  (3 ea.)  Monday, August 21st
Breakfast: (3 ea.) Monday, August 21st or (3 ea.) Tuesday, August 22nd, (3 ea.) Wednesday, August 23rd
Lunch: (3 ea.) Monday, August 21st or (3 ea.) Tuesday, August 22nd    
Networking Reception (before Awards Dinner): (3 ea.) Monday, August 21st
Award Dinner:  (3 ea.) Monday, August 21st
Benevolent Fund Activities:  Tuesday, August 22nd

Gold Level Sponsorship Opportunities ($1,100)
(Qty. Available - See breakdown where appropriate.) 

Morning & Mid-Morning Break - (6 ea.)  Monday, August 21st or (3 ea.)  Tuesday, August 22nd
Afternoon Break – (3 ea.) Monday, August 21st
Audio Visual  – (3 ea.) Monday, August 21st or (3ea.) Tuesday, August 22nd
Charging Kiosk -
 (3 ea.) (for Cell Phones, Tablets, etc.)   

Silver Level Sponsorship Opportunities  ($825)

Silver Sponsors will have their logo placed on website, signs and marketing materials on site.   

Bronze Level Sponsorship  ($550)

Bronze Level Sponsors will have their logo placed on select materials on-site.

Additional Benevolent Fund Activity Sponsorships:  Tuesday, August 22nd 

Golf Tournament – Pequot Golf Club
Tee Hole Sponsor  - $250 each

Beverage Cart Sponsor - $800
Lunch Sponsor - $500
Awards Reception Sponsor - $800

If you don't see something on the above list you would like to sponsor please contact Wendy Esche, or call the office at (978) 540-2200.

Expo Schedule:

(Agenda details are subject to change)

Sunday, August 20th

    • 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm       Move-In
    • 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm       Welcome Reception and Visit with Sponsors (New this Year)

Monday, August 21st

    • 6:00 am - 7:00 am        Move-In
    • 7:00 am - 9:00 am        Breakfast
    • 9:45 am - 10:00 am      Break and Visit with Sponsors
    • 11:00 am - 11:15 am      Break and Visit with Sponsors
    • 12:15 pm - 1:15 pm        Lunch and Visit with Sponsors
    • 1:15 pm - 2:15 pm         Break and Visit with Sponsors
    • 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm      Networking Reception and Visit with Sponsors
    • 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm      Awards Dinner

Tuesday, August 22nd 

    • 7:00 am - 9:00 am      Breakfast
    • 9:00 am - 9:15 am       Break and Visit with Sponsors
    • 10:15 am - 10:30 am   Break and Visit with Sponsors
    • 11:30 am                       Grab and Go Lunch
    • 12:00 PM                      Move-Out



Lodging  2023  

To book your overnight accommodations, please contact the hotel directly and mention you're with the Northeast Public Power Association or 2023 NEPPA to get the group rate. Rooms and rates are held until Friday, July 28, 2023 and are based on availability.

Mystic Marriott Hotel & Spa  - $179/ night + tax

625 North Road
Groton, CT 06340
(877) 901-6632   

Check-in 4:00 pm and Check-out 11:00 am

All reservations must be guaranteed with a major credit card.  Mystic Hotel & Spa will not hold any reservations unless secured by a credit card.   Individuals are required to cancel reservation at least 48 hours prior to arrival to avoid a charge including one night's room rate plus tax.    

Attendees can call the hotel direct at (860) 446-2600 [Marriott Reservation (866) 449-7390]  or use the link below to make reservations online: 

Benevolent Fund Activities 2023 

Benevolent Fund Activities #1

Pequot Golf Club
127 Wheeler Road
Stonington, CT 06378

Golf Tournament ($150)

Play 18 Holes at the beautiful Stonington, CT golf course and support NEPPA’s Benevolent Fund at the same time! Golf registration fees will cover greens/cart fees and net proceeds are donated to the Benevolent fund.

Space is limited, register early!

About the Course
Located just minutes from historic Mystic village, Pequot Golf Club, offers one of southeastern Connecticut’s most enjoyable golfing experiences for all golf enthusiasts. Gently rolling terrain and natural beauty await you as you wind through the Connecticut woods. The small undulating greens and tree lined fairways can challenge golfers of all skill levels. Pequot’s par 70, 18-hole layout provides an enjoyable and memorable golfing experience for all players.  Designed in 1958 by the late Wendell Ross, Pequot Golf Club has been played by names such as Jack Nicklaus, who in 1966 set the “official” course record of 65 which still stands today.

Registration Fees Include: [1:oo pm Tee time]

• Golf Cart
• Tournament Scoring
•  Lunch

Shotgun start at 1:00 PM

Scramble format.
Prizes awards for:
Top 3 Finishers
Closet to the pin 
Longest Drive (Men & Women)
$5,000 Hole-In-One

Benevolent Fund Activity #2

Experience Mystic Aquarium  
55 Coogan Blvd. 
Mystic, CT 06355

Aquarium Experience ($95)

Enjoy the freedom of exploring both indoor and outdoor exhibits at your leisure where you’ll discover thousands of animals including beluga whales (the ONLY in New England)!

Space is limited, register early!

Kids of all ages Love getting their hands wet when touching sharks, stingrays, or crabs and shriek with joy when you come face-to-face with any Aquarium aninal. Countless opportunities to ‘dive deeper’ into discovery through hands-on and interactive exhibits; live presentations during animals training and feeding sessions and exciting shows featuring California sea lions that demonstrate their natural behaviors and even 3-D adventures in two different theaters offers a little ‘something for everyone!’

Scholarship Fund Activity 2023

Sunday, August 20th

4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Location:  TBD


Check back soon for details!

Click here for printable registration form. - coming soon!

Questions:  Please contact or call the office at (978) 540-2200.