Help us Recognize Someone Deserving - Submit Your Nominations Today!
We appreciate you using the form below to submit a nomination for a deserving member.

Above (left to right): John Tzimorangas, Robin Jowders [2024 Person of the Year], Mike Hyland
NEPPA honors individuals within the membership who have provided exceptional leadership and service. These individuals are recognized at our annual member events. Nominations are accepted throughout the year and are reviewed by the Executive Committee (and Customer Service SubCommittee for the Carol A Tracey Award) which determines the award winners.
All members are eligible to nominate an individual, utility, organization or entity to receive a NEPPA Award.
Our Award Events:
– RodE&O Engineering and Operations Conference & Expo in May – Robert “Henny” Henriksen Mutual Aid Service Award (nomination deadline Friday, April 4th)
– Annual Awards dinner, held during the Annual Conference in August (nomination deadline Thursday, July 3rd)
– Energy Connect Conference (formerly the Customer Service Conference) in October – Carol A. Tracey Award (nomination deadline Friday, September 26th)
Past Award Recipients
Congratulations to our winners! Click below for a list of award recipients for each year.
2020 Recipients Prior Recipients
Learn More About our Awards
Click on the award name below to review detailed descriptions and award criteria.
Person of the Year
- History: Since 1987, NEPPA has sought to honor and recognize individuals for their sustained service and contributions to the association and to the public power community. The Person of the Year Award is granted to one individual whose contributions and legacy have and will continue to leave a lasting impact at NEPPA, in their communities, or in public power.
- Description: The Person of the Year Award recognizes one individual for their sustained, outstanding service and contributions to NEPPA and to public power.
- Criteria: Nominees for this award must meet the following criteria:
- Employee or recent retiree of a NEPPA Member company (Utility or Affiliate)
- Individual who has made significant impacts in either their utility, community or NEPPA.
- Nominations Reviewed by:
- Executive Committee (Officers of NEPPA’s Board of Directors)
- How to Nominate:
- Complete the nomination form found at by the deadline.
- Nominations should include:
- Nominator
- Nominee (including Title)
- Description of why the individual should receive the award.
- Number of Award(s) Granted: 1 per year
Distinguished Service Award
- History: The tradition of public power rests in a sense of community and service. The Distinguished Service Award recognizes individuals or organizations who have gone above and beyond providing service to a NEPPA member utility.
- Description: The Distinguished Service Award is presented to individuals or organizations who have provided outstanding service to a NEPPA utility.
- Criteria: Nominees for this award must meet the following criteria:
- Individual or Organization that has worked with or for a NEPPA member utility.
- Nominations Reviewed by:
- Executive Committee (Officers of NEPPA’s Board of Directors)
- How to Nominate:
- Complete the nomination form found at by the deadline.
- Nominations should include:
- Nominator
- Nominee (including Title)
- Description of why the individual should receive the award.
- Number of Award(s) Granted: 1 – 5 per year
NEPPA Service Award
- History: As a trade association, NEPPA’s members are crucial to the association’s continued success and growth. Member volunteers that offer their time, talents and expertise are the core of the association. The NEPPA Service Award recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions to the association.
- Description: The NEPPA Service Award is presented to an individual to recognize their significant contributions to the association.
- Criteria: Nominees for this award must meet the following criteria:
- Employee of a NEPPA utility or affiliate member.
- Contributor to NEPPA’s programs and services (i.e. committees, programs, educational programing, advocacy, etc.)
- Nominations Reviewed by:
- Executive Committee (Officers of NEPPA’s Board of Directors)
- How to Nominate:
- Complete the nomination form found at by the deadline.
- Nominations should include:
- Nominator
- Nominee (including Title)
- Description of why the individual should receive the award.
- Number of Award(s) Granted: 1 – 5 per year
Robert “Henny” Henriksen Mutual Aid Service Award
- History: Bob “Henny” Henriksen began his career at Braintree Electric Light Department (BELD) as a lineman in 1970 and was later promoted into the position of General Line Foreman/Supervisor in 1986, a position he held until his retirement in 2001. Bob was also a member of the NEPPA Mutual Aid Committee for many years, assisting with the coordination of storm restoration.After retiring from BELD, Bob worked for NEPPA as a Safety Trainer until 2018. Bob passed away in December 2023 after battling Parkinson’s and Dementia. Bob enjoyed the camaraderie of his fellow linemen and was very passionate about linework and safety training.
- Description:The Robert “Henny” Henriksen Mutual Aid Service Award is presented to an individual to recognize their significant sustained contributions to the association’s mutual aid program.
- Criteria:Nominees for this award must meet the following criteria:
- Significant, sustained contributions to NEPPA’s mutual aid program.
- Nominations Reviewed by:
- Executive Committee
- How to Nominate:
- Complete the nomination form found at by the deadline.
- Nominations should include:
- Nominator
- Nominee (including Title)
- Description of why the individual should receive the award.
- Number of Award(s) Granted:1 – 3 per year
This award will be given out annually at the Engineering and Operations Conference.
Francis "Skip" Willey Individual Achievement Award
- History: Francis “Skip” Willey was a dedicated employee of the Water and Light Department of Morrisville, Vermont. His name was Francis Willey, but he was known to everyone as “Skip.” In December 1997, just a few days after returning from a NEPPA management training program, Skip passed away unexpectedly, leaving his wife, three sons, and an extended family of friends and colleagues. The award was established by the Board of Directors in Skip’s name, is to recognize individuals like Skip who are committed to advancing their careers in public power by participation in the association’s educational and training programs.
- Description: The Francis “Skip” Willey Individual Achievement Award is presented to an employee of a NEPPA member utility who demonstrates a professional commitment to public power through personal development and participation in NEPPA’s educational programs and other association activities.
- Criteria: Nominees for this award must meet the following criteria:
- Employee of a NEPPA member utility
- Participant or developer of NEPPA’s educational programs or member services.
- Nominations Reviewed by:
- Executive Committee (Officers of NEPPA’s Board of Directors)
- How to Nominate:
- Complete the nomination form found at by the deadline.
- Nominations should include:
- Nominator
- Nominee (including Title)
- Description of why the individual should receive the award.
- Number of Award(s) Granted: 1 per year
Carol A. Tracey Customer Service Award
- History: Carol Tracey was a longtime employee of NEPPA, who succumbed to cancer in January 2003. According to Pat Hyland, NEPPA’s Executive Director at the time, “Carol Tracey possessed an exceptional ability to serve our members in a timely, professional and friendly manner. She exemplified outstanding customer service for our association…” The Carol A Tracey Award was established as a memorial to her, and the dedication she had to serving NEPPA and the public power community.
- Description: The Carol A. Tracey Award is presented to employees of NEPPA member utilities who deliver outstanding service to their customers, either through sustained, exceptional performance in serving their customers, or the development of new and/or innovative programs to meet customer needs.
- Criteria: Nominees for this award must meet the following criteria:
- Employee of a NEPPA member utility
- Provide service to utility customers (i.e. customer service or program development serving members).
- Nominations Reviewed by:
- Customer Service Subcommittee
- How to Nominate:
- Complete the nomination form found at by the deadline.
- Nominations should include:
- Nominator
- Nominee (including Title)
- Description of why the individual should receive the award.
- Number of Award(s) Granted: 1 – 5 per year
Commissioner Service Award
- History: The tradition of public power is reliant on the dedication, support and governance of their communities. The Commissioner Service Award is designed to honor the service of member utilities’ governing boards and commissioners for their service to public power and their utility.
- Description: The Commissioner Service Award is for Commissioners or elected Light Board members of NEPPA member utilities who have provided outstanding leadership to their public power systems for three full terms or at least 10 years.
- Criteria: Nominees for this award must meet the following criteria:
- 3 Full Terms or at least 10 years
- Commissioner or Light Board member of a NEPPA member utility
- Nominations Reviewed by:
- Executive Committee (Officers of NEPPA’s Board of Directors)
- How to Nominate:
- Complete the nomination form found at by the deadline.
- Nominations should include:
- Nominator
- Nominee (including Title)
- Description of why the individual should receive the award.
- Number of Award(s) Granted: 1 – 10 per year (potential for additional awards where appropriate)
Outstanding Affiliate Member
- History: As a trade association, NEPPA’s members are crucial to the association’s continued success and growth. Affiliate Members which serve the industry offer significant expertise and resource to the association. NEPPA’s Outstanding Affiliate Member Award recognizes Affiliate Member companies for their contributions.
- Description: The Outstanding Affiliate Member award recognizes a NEPPA affiliate member their contributions to NEPPA’s programs and services.
- Criteria: Nominees for this award must meet the following criteria:
- NEPPA Affiliate Member in good standing (i.e. dues or past due invoices).
- Contributor to NEPPA’s programs and services (i.e. in-kind or monetary contributions)
- Nominations Reviewed by:
- Executive Committee (Officers of NEPPA’s Board of Directors)
- How to Nominate:
- Complete the nomination form found at by the deadline.
- Nominations should include:
- Nominator
- Nominee (including Title)
- Description of why the individual should receive the award.
- Number of Award(s) Granted: 1 per year
Century Award
- History: The Century Award was created to honor the longtime service and tradition of public power utilities in the Northeast and within their respective communities.
- Description: The Century Award is presented to NEPPA member utilities which celebrate their 100th anniversary during the year.
- Criteria: Nominees for this award must meet the following criteria:
- 100 years of public power service
- Nominations Reviewed by:
- Executive Committee (Officers of NEPPA’s Board of Directors)
- How to Nominate:
- Complete the nomination form found at by the deadline.
- Nominations should include:
- Nominator
- Nominee (including Title)
- Description of why the individual should receive the award.
- Number of Award(s) Granted: No Limit, where appropriate
Special Recognition Award
- History: The success of public power is dependent on the efforts and dedication of all those involved locally, regionally and nationally. The Special Recognition Award is designed to honor those who have had a significant accomplishment that advances the interest of the public power community.
- Description: The Special Recognition Award recognizes the efforts of an employee, organization or advocate for a specific accomplishment which advances the interests of public power locally, regionally or nationally.
- Criteria: Nominees for this award must meet the following criteria:
- Individual who has a specific accomplishment related to public power.
- Nominations Reviewed by:
- Executive Committee (Officers of NEPPA’s Board of Directors)
- How to Nominate:
- Complete the nomination form found at by the deadline.
- Nominations should include:
- Nominator
- Nominee (including Title)
- Description of why the individual should receive the award.
- Number of Award(s) Granted: 1 – 5 per year