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2023 RodE&O

NEPPA’s 2023 RodE&O  Conference and Expo will be held May 9-11, 2023 at The Common Man Inn (231 Main Street, Plymouth, NH 03264). Join your professional colleagues for 2.5 days of skilled competition, educational sessions, roundtables, networking, sponsor exhibits, and more!


click button below to register online

click tab below for more information 


Tuesday, May 9, 2023  

7:30 AM Registration, Continental Breakfast
9:00 AM Competition begins
                                15th Annual Lineworkers Rodeo
                                  New Hampshire Electric Co-op (NHEC)
                                  579 Tenney Mountain Highway
                                 Plymouth, NH 03264

5:00 PM Pig Roast Dinner (at The Common Man Inn)
6:30 PM Awards and Raffle

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

7:00 AM Registration, Breakfast Buffet 

8:15 AM Welcome & Intro

8:30 AM Keynote – Leadership “What’s Love Got To Do With It?”

by Colonel Arthur J. Athens, USMCR (Ret.)

Tina Turner made a song with this title popular in the mid-1980s.  If we were to consider this same question in the context of leadership . . . we might answer by saying that love has little to do with leadership.  But it may be time to reconsider the connection between leadership and love . . . we might find the connection to be surprising and one of the genuine keys to extraordinary leadership.

9:30 AM Break

9:45 AM Breakout Sessions

Management Track
Is It the Jetsons or Gen Z?:  Creating an Out of this World Workplace for the Future by Danette Scudder, Tennessee Valley Public Power Association.

Operations Track
Hendrix - Tips & Tricks, Do's & Don'ts by Bill St. Cyr, Marmon Utility and Scott Larsen, Hendrix.

Engineering Track

Facilitated by: Chris Boucher, TMLP; Presenters: Chris Adley, LELWD, Vince McMahon, WMGLD, Aaron Brooks, &  Groton Utilities

Much like the transition to AMR, the new transition to Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) brings myriad advantages to the utility landscape. Access to new technologies like outage management, load analysis, and automated distribution system technologies is changing the way municipal utilities can do business and serve customers. However, this access to emerging technologies comes with difficulties as the metering profession shifts from behind the steering wheel to in front of the computer. Join us for a roundtable to discuss these pros and cons of AMI and hear first-hand from three utilities in various stages of deployment.

10:45 AM Break

11:00 AM Breakout Sessions

Management Track 
Black-out/ Brown-out Procedure Plans Fcailiated by Mike Cloutier, MELD and Pat Laverty, LELWD

Operations Track 
When Reactive Security Falls Short by Thomas Walsh, Netwatch, USA

Engineering Track 
Data GIS Roundtable

12:00 PM Trolly Shuttle to The Barn on the Pemi for Lunch and Exhibit Hall

12:00 PM Lunch

1:00 PM Mutual Aid Committee Meeting at The BARN

1:30 PM - Cornhole Tournament - See sign up sheet

2:30 PM Demo#1 - Piercing Insulation by Chuck Kaczmarek, Sicame

3:00 PM Demo#2 - Tasting 

3:30 PM Demo#3 - Von Thumper  by James Landers, The VON Corporation
Fault Locating and Sectionalizing usingARC, Reflection (Radar) on URD Systems.

3:45 PM Raffle Drawing in Exhibit Hall
4:00 PM Adjourn & Exhibitor Breakdown/Load Out

5:00 PM Evening Social 

Thursday, May 11, 2023

7:00 AM  Breakfast Buffet

8:00 AM  Board of Directors Meeting at NHEC

8:30 AM  Breakout Sessions 

Management Track 
Moultonborough Battery Project by Brian Callan, New Hampshire Electric Cooperative

Operations Track (1.5 hours)
Mutual Aid Roundtable:  Do's, Don'ts, What to expect... facilitated by Dave Ketchen with Brian Allen, West Boylston Municipal Light Plant, & Matt Brown, Rowley Municipal Lighting Plant.

Engineering Track 
Who's afraid of the big, bad wolf... I mean Electrification!  by Louis Santilli, Quanta Technology
Electrification - new buzz word for technologies displacing conventional fossil fuels with new technologies for decarbonization and how does it affect me?


9:30 AM Break

9:45 AM Breakout Session  

Engineering Track (1.5 hours)
Engineering Roundtable facilitated by Michael Jennings, NHEC
Subjects for discussion include: Change updates, working with small staff, distribution transformers, etc.

11:00 AM Benevolent Fund Activity:
Golf Tournament – Shotgun 11:00 AM
Waukewan Golf Club – 9 holes

11:15 AM Conference Adjourns

New Hampshire Electric Cooperative has been a strong supporter of NEPPA and Public Power for many years. The Coop is honored to participate and host the 2023 NEPPA Rodeo and Engineering and Operations Conference in Plymouth NH. This event exemplifies the spirit and comraderies of all the members of NEPPA.

Jim Bakas

Chief Operating Officer (COO), New Hampshire Electric Cooperative

Registration Fees

Attendee Registration: 

(2.5 days) Attendee registration fees includes access to Rodeo & Awards dinner Tuesday, educational breakout sessions on Wednesday and Thursday, admission to Expo Hall, breakfast, lunch, and breaks. Lodging and Dinner Wednesday are not included.


RodE&O Conference and Expo (2.5 days): 

By April 9th After April 10th
Member - $349 Member - $399
Non-Member - $425 Non-Member - $475

E&O Conference and Expo Only (1.5 days): 

By April 9th After April 10th 
Member - $295 Member - $345
Non-Member - $395 Non-Member - $445


Attendee Cancellations:
Cancellations are accepted until Friday, April 21st.  Substitutions may be made at any time. 



Exhibit Registration:

Get your registration in early space is limited!

Exhibit registration fees includes Wednesdays and Thursday educational breakout sessions, admission to Expo Hall, breakfast, lunch, and breaks. Each Table-Top Display space includes registration for one representative. If reserving more than one Table, please register using a separate name and form for each booth.  Lodging and Dinner Wednesday are not included.


Table-Top Display Space: (Included: linened table, (2) chairs, electricity available at a fee) (5/10).   
Member - $595
Non-Member - $925

10' x 33' Truck/ Trailer Space: (Outdoor parking/display, Engines cannot run during show) (5/10).   
Member - $695
Non-Member - $1,025

Table-Top Display Space + Truck/Trailer space (same sizes as above)   
Member - $895
Non-Member - $1,225

Additional Representatives at Display Space (5/10).   
Member / Non-Member - $225

The following food functions/ meals are included in the conference registration fee:

(1.5 days): Breakfast (Wed/Thurs), Lunch/ Reception (Wed)
(2.5 days): All of the above and Continental Breakfast, Lunch and Award dinner (Tues)

Exhibitor Cancellations:
Cancellations are accepted until Wednesday, April 12th.  Substitutions may be made at any time. 

Click here for Printable Agenda - last update 3/28/23

Questions? Contact Wendy Esche at or call the office at (978) 540-2200.

Sponsor Registration                                      

Support NEPPA's RodE&O Conference and Expo and gain recognition for your organizations!

This year exhibitors will not have a formal exhibit hall, instead display tables will be available and set-up at The Barn on the Pemi (341 Daniel Webster Highway, Plymouth, NH 03264) to be visited during lunch & reception on Wednesday, May 10th (11:00 am - 4:00 pm).

*Display table space is limited, participants will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

Please select your sponsorship from the opportunities listed below and return this form to Wendy Esche at


Sponsorship Opportunities

2022 Sponsors


Be Noticed Platinum Gold Silver Bronze
Logo Placement on Sponsor Signs On-Site at Conference X X X X
Badge Ribbon Designation X X X X
Company Logo in Promotional & On-Site Materials X X X X
Verbal Recognition at Events X X X X
Company Logo on RodE&O Shirts X X X X
Special Signage (See Opportunities Below) X X X  

Attendance at Awards Dinner (5/9), RodE&O Conference* (5/10) and includes T-Shirt(s)

* Does NOT include exhibitor space at Expo


(3 Reps)

Value: $675


(2 Reps)

Value: $450


(1 Reps)

Value: $225

Rodeo Exhibit Space (i.e. Truck/ Trailer or Set-up Own Table) X X X  
Logo Placement on Conference Bags X      

Platinum Level Sponsorship Opportunities  ($1,650)
Platinum sponsors will have their logo featured on Conference Bags handed out at registration.

Branded Lanyards
Lunch –Wednesday, May10th
Networking Reception (Food & Drinks) – Wednesday, May 10th
Breakfast – Breakfast Wednesday, May 10th -or- Breakfast Thursday, May 11th
Rodeo Banner (winning team takes home to display)

Gold Level Sponsorship Opportunities  ($1,100)

Morning Break Refresh – Wednesday, May 10th     
Speaker Sponsorship – Wednesday, May10th
Rodeo Event – (Hurt Man Rescue, Single Phase Dead End Pole Frame, 4kV Insulator Change, 4kV Isolation, Obstacle Course,  or Speed Climb with bell)

Silver Level Sponsorship Opportunities  ($825)

Rodeo Reception (Food & Drinks) – Tuesday, May 9th   
Rodeo Awards Dinner – Pig Roast – Tuesday, May 9th
A/V Sponsor – Session 1-10 (Please Specify)
Door Prize (In-Kind or monetary sponsorship)

Bronze Level Sponsorship  ($550)

Bronze Level Sponsors will have their logo placed on select materials on-site, as well as the Rodeo shirt.

Additional Sponsorship Opportunities: New this Year!

Cornhole Tournament:  $1,800
Drink Tasting:  $1,800

Door Prizes Always Welcome!

Additional Benevolent Fund Activity Sponsorships:  Thursday, May 11th

Golf Tournament – Waukewan Golf Club
Tee Sponsor one per hole $250 each

Golf Cart Sponsor - $750
Lunch Sponsor - $500
Awards Reception Sponsor - $500

Spsonsor Cancellations:
Cancellations are accepted until Wednesday, April 12th. Substitutions may be made at any time.  

If you don't see something on the above list you would like to sponsor please contact Wendy Esche or call the office at (978) 540-2200.

Click here to download printable Sponsorship registration form


15th Annual Lineworkers Rodeo

May 9 - 11, 2023 

NEPPA’s Annual Lineworkers Rodeo features three-person teams competing in six different events. Each event’s primary purpose is to promote safe work practices. The rodeo is designed to enhance skills and job knowledge, foster stronger working relationships, encourage teamwork, and provide a better understanding of utility work for families and other attendees.

Rodeo Events 

Monday, May 8th (NHEC)
6:00 pm Judges Meeting at NHEC
Tuesday, May 9th (NHEC)
7:30 am Registration opens at NHEC
9:00 am Competition begins
5:00 pm Dinner
6:30 pm Awards and raffle
Wednesday, May 10th (The Common Man Inn)
8:00 am E&O (see RodE&O Agenda)
11:00 am Exhibit Hall opens (The Barn on the Pemi)

Team Fees 

Team and Individual Registration fees include attendance and participation in the 1-day Rodeo ($725/$245) or the FULL 2.5-day RodE&O Conference ($1,100/$390).

Team of 3                                                                            $725    |     $1,100

Individual Participant                                                $245     |   $390

Awards Dinner ONLY (5/9/22)                          $49 per person


Cancellations are accepted until Wednesday, April 28, 2023. Substitutions may be made at any time.

Questions? Rodeo Events: Contact Ken Stone, Middleborough Gas & Electric Dept., 781-953-2184

or call the NEPPA office at (978) 540-2200.


To make your overnight accommodations, please contact the hotel directly and mention you're with the Northeast Public Power Association or 2023 NEPPA RodE&O to get the rate. Rooms and rates are held until Monday, April 17, 2023 and are based on availability. 

Please note:  At the Inn- room block open – rooms available Monday & Wednesday only at Inn – no rooms on Tuesday left  – Plenty of rooms available (all nights at Lodge and Cabins)

The Common Man Inn - $119/night + tax

231 Main Street
Plymouth, NH 03264
(603) 536-2200 

Off-Site Lodge - Rooms Available All Nights
304 Main Street
Plymouth, NH 03264

Off-Site Cabins - Rooms Available All Nights 
341 Daniel Webster Highway
Plymouth, NH 03264

Check-in is 3:00 PM and check-out is 11:00 am.

Overflow Hotel:

Fairfield by Marriott - $149++ per night
12 Ridgeview Lane 

Plymouth, NH 03264
(603) 536-0100

Check-in is 4:00 pm and check-out is 11:00 am.


All reservations require a $50 deposit at time of booking.

There is a two-week cancellation policy for any room booked with the hotel.  Should you need to change or cancel your reservation, you must contact the front desk at least 14-days prior to arrival date to avoid penalty and/ or loss of deposit.


Benevolent Fund Event                             

Waukewan Golf Club
166 Waukewan Road
Center Harbor, NH 03226

Golf Tournament ($100)!

Play 9 holes at the beautiful Ashland, NH golf course and support NEPPA’s Benevolent Fund at the same time! Golf registration fees will cover greens, cart fees and net proceeds are donated to the Benevolent Fund.

Space is limited, register early!

About the Course
Come enjoy the championship course designed by renowned golf course
architect, Geoffrey Cornish. Nestled along the Pemigewassett River, this
user-friendly layout features wide, manicured fairways, strategically
placed bunkers, and soft velvet bent grass greens. Golfers of all abilities
will enjoy a truly great golfing experience in a peaceful, natural setting.

Registration Fees Include:
• Golf Cart
• Scoring
• Tournament Scoring
• Gift Bag
• Lunch
• Awards Reception

Shotgun start at 11:00 am
Scramble format.
Prizes awards for:
Top 3 Finishers
Closet to the pin
Longest Drive (Men & Women)

Questions? Contact or call the NEPPA office at (978) 540-2200.

Questions:  Please contact or call the office at (978) 540-2200.