@Your Site Training

To help utilities ensure that their employees are properly trained in working on or near energized equipment, NEPPA has developed a comprehensive safety training program for utility personnel. The program focuses on industry required training programs set by OSHA 1910.269, the National Electric Safety Code (NESC) and the American Public Power Association Safety Manual.
In response to a number of requests, NEPPA has also developed a series of technical training sessions that can be used for new employees as well as a refresher course for more experienced line workers. The topics cover some theory but mostly the practical application of the most common line equipment utilized by electric utilities today.
Available Classes
Course options listed below are grouped by category. Click the individual class title to see a detailed course description.
Don’t see the course you need? Reach out to us and let us know.
Safety Classes
Our comprehensive safety courses strive to instill in our members the importance of and knowledge needed to prevent serious injury and death in the line of work.
(Courses in RED are recommended or required.
Courses in GREEN are not the standard cost.)
APPA Safety Manual (17th Addition) Parts 1 & 2
After completing this course students will:
- Have a basic understanding and roadmap to find work policies and procedures in the APPA Safety Manual
- Understand how to incorporate the APPA Safety Manual into everyday work
- Gain an introductory level of knowledge to industry best-practices as it relates to safety standards, as adopted by the APPA Safety Manual Identify crucial sections of the Manual for utility work and operations.
Lecture with class interaction and discussion. NOTE: The APPA Safety Manual is taught in two parts, as two separate training sessions. Upon request, NEPPA can arrange a high-level APPA Safety Manual Review (i.e., one 3-hour training session).
What to Bring:
Current APPA Safety Manual
Part 1
This is a review of the Definitions parts 1, 2 & 3. This training takes about 4 hours to be conducted.
Part 2
This is a review of Part 4 (Personal Protective Equipment), and Part 5 (508-514 Operations). This training takes about 5 hours to be conducted.
Arc Flash Safety
* May be combined with Hot Stick Safety as a COMBO Course for a reduced price.
Preparation and prevention of arc flashes is a critical component of safe utility operations. In addition to discussion of your systems Arc Flash Hazard Assessment, this session will review the various rules and regulations which guide arc flash safety.
This material explores the following for Arc Flash Safety:
- Electrical Arc Flash Hazard Review
- Define an arc
- What elements impact the severity of the arc flash relationship to clearing
- Performing risk assessments before work
- OSHA rules on performing an assessment to determine the
- PPE requirements
- Case studies to demonstrate examples of arc flash assessments
- Mitigation Techniques
Lecture with class interaction and discussion. Where possible, trainers will incorporate inspection of utility tools and equipment.
What to Bring:
Current APPA Safety Manual and Arc Flash Hazard Assessment
Bucket & Pole Top Rescue
Annually Required
29 CFR 269 (a)(2)
Bucket & Pole Top Rescue covers the appropriate steps to take during an emergency electrical contact, including situation analysis, qualified observer requirements, rescuer protection followed by practical exercises. Students will learn:
- Bucket Truck Rescue Systems
- Pole Top Rescue Procedures
- Structure and Tower Rescue Procedures
- Participants will also have hands-on application of methods through a practical demonstration of rescue procedures
Lecture with class interaction and discussion followed by each participant making a simulated rescue.
What to Bring:
Current APPA Safety Manual, fall-protection climbing gear, and each type of bucket truck from the utility.
Note: Training locations are expected to provide a safe rescue site for students to conduct a practical demonstration. Only participants qualified to climb are permitted to conduct the pole-top rescue demonstration
Chainsaw & Chipper Safety
Each year, approximately 36,000 people are treated in hospital emergency departments for injuries from using chain saws (source: CDC.gov). Chainsaw & Chipper Safety introduces participants to hazard awareness, safety precautions, PPE, and safe operations.
Students will learn the following safety requirements:
Employers and employees should be trained to understand the hazards associated with chainsaws and chippers to ensure safe operation including:
- Maintenance and safe operation
- Safe felling operations and kickback prevention
PPE Requirements Training covers:
- Correct operation of the chipper and its safety
- Manufacturer’s instructions on operation, inspection, and maintenance of the
- Proper procedures for machine start-up and
- Correct use and maintenance of personal protective equipment (PPE).
Lecture with class interaction and discussion. Where possible, trainers will incorporate inspection of utility tools and equipment.
What to Bring:
Current APPA Safety Manual, chainsaws, woodchippers and appropriate PPE (including chaps) for proper inspection.
Electrical Safety for First Responders
The purpose of this training is to provide your community’s First Responder Personnel with Electrical Hazard Awareness information when and if their work requires them to work in an emergency near:
- Downed Wires
- Overhead Electrical Circuits or Underground Electrical Circuits
- Substations
NOTE: This training is not intended to substitute any required series training, or any specific work-related training, nor does it “Qualify” any personnel to work on any electrical equipment.
In addition to the standard “lecture” program available, our team can work with utilities and local departments to conduct a mock accident involving a downed wire, or even an injured utility worker.
Enclosed & Confined Spaces
Annually Required
29 CFR 269 (e)
This training defines “Confined Spaces” vs. “Enclosed Spaces,” and techniques to use to perform a safe rescue from an Enclosed or Confined space.
- Upon completion, participants will:
- Understand Definitions & Acronyms
- Understand difference between a confined space, permit-required confined space, or an enclosed
- Understand the range of hazards and methods to control
- Explain entry
- Identifying and demonstrating a variety of rescue methods, such as rescue gear setup and drill participants are also required to demonstrate enclosed and confined space rescue procedures.
- Format:
Lecture with class interaction and discussion followed by each participant making a simulated rescue.
- What to Bring:
Current APPA Safety Manual, proper rescue equipment, and an atmospheric tester.
Note: Training locations are expected to provide a safe rescue site for students to conduct a practical demonstration
Energized Distribution Cover-up and Rubber Gloving Methods & Working on or Near Energized Parts
Please note: This special course offering is an increased price. Please contact NEPPA for pricing details.
The 2 day course (7:30am – 2:30 pm) is designed to explain why the Lineworker should apply cover-up while working on energized conductors, parts, and equipment. There will be a half-day PowerPoint presentation in the classroom and one and a half days of field training using the techniques learned to apply cover-up, gloving, and sleeves while applying proper work methods.
Course Topics:
- Explain the Hierarchy of Controls.
- Discuss the History of Rubber Gloving.
- Working from the pole – Working from a Bucket Truck.
- Discussing Problems and Solutions.
- Explain Working Positions.
- Apply the Common Sense Rule.
- Minimum Approach Distance.
- Employee Protection, the Work Zone Bubble.
- Types of Protective Cover-up.
- Discuss the importance of a Job Brief.
- Removal of Cover-up.
- Points to Remember.
Who Should Attend:
All Lineworkers who work on energized conductors, parts, and equipment.
What to Bring:
Rubber gloves, linehose, blankets, hoods, and whatever else you utility requires for cover up.
Enviornmental and Green Power Safety
This class covers understanding Hazards, Prevention for Environmental and Green Power Safety including:
- Environmental Factors Animals & Insects
- Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB’s)
- Asbestos
- Warm Weather Injuries & Hazards
- Cold Weather Injuries & Hazards
- UV Exposure, Hazards, Protection & Prevention
- Skin Cancer
- Understand basic definitions and applicable standards related to Distributed Energy Resources and Energy
- Explain the differences in DER connections and the potential hazards associated with
- Understand inverter-based generation and
- Identify power flow and voltage issues, including hazard mitigation
- Explain DER risks and safety
- Identify potential system upgrades, modifications and/or operating practices due to
- Cover common questions and hazard
Lecture with class interaction and discussion. Where possible, trainers will incorporate inspection of utility tools and equipment.
What to Bring:
Current APPA Safety Manual.
Although not required by legislation, incorporating ergonomics into your company’s work culture can help prevent workplace strain or injury. Principles of proper body mechanics when performing everyday tasks and the importance of posture while sitting, standing, sleeping, and driving, as well as the consequences of improper posture and other potential contributing factors that could result in musculoskeletal disorders.
Students will learn:
- Awareness of proper posture and body mechanics for performing everyday tasks on and off the job
- Identifying and performing various strength and stretching exercises
- Understanding the importance of proper positioning to their overall health and well-being
Lecture and hands-on demonstration and execution of stretches and strength exercises. Class is a maximum of 2.5 hours.
Hot Stick Safety
* May be combined with Arc Flash Safety as a COMBO Course for a reduced price.
Upon completion of this session, students will understand the following for Hot Stick Safety:
- Understand the history of hotline
- Minimum Approach Distance (MAD)
- Types of Hot Sticks
- Use, Care & Maintenance of Hot Sticks
- Testing
- OSHA Regulations
- Personal Protective Equipment
Lecture with class interaction and discussion. Where possible, trainers will incorporate inspection of utility tools and equipment.
Job Briefings
Upon completion of the course, the participant will be able to:
- Understand and appreciate the importance of a Job Briefing
- Understand employer and employee
- Answer the following:
- What is the purpose of a job briefing?
- What should a job briefing include?
- Identify regulations involving job
- Conduct Recordkeeping & Reporting
Medic First Aid/CPR/AED
Recommended annually for field workers, every 2 years for office staff
Please note: The class size limit is 12 per class.
(Traditional or Blended)
Per OSHA, any job component that is expected to be performed, but not practiced on a regular basis must be demonstrated at least annually. For operations and distribution work, this includes First Aid/CPR/AED training (which is expected to be performed in an emergency event until medical emergency personnel arrive).
Traditional and Blended training platforms are offered. Traditional training is strongly encouraged and involves cognitive learning with hands-on training. Blended training involves about 6 hours of cognitive online, on-demand training and about 2 ½ hours of hands on, in-person, training.
Upon completion, participants will:
- Demonstrate cognitive understanding of Basic First Aid/CPR/AED
- Demonstrate competent ability to perform rescue breaths, compressions, and apply basic first
- Upon completion of the training, students are provided with a First Aid/CPR/AED
Metering Safety
Upon completion of the course, the participant will be able to:
- Identify safe work practices
- Understand electrical hazards and mitigation
- Define Qualified Worker and training
- Describe new OSHA regulations as they relate to
- Qualified Employees
- Minimum Approach Distance
- Identify physical hazards and risk levels for various meter
- Demonstrate meter specific
OSHA Fundamentals
NEPPA’s OSHA Fundamentals courses were developed to enable members to cover annually required topics in one longer session (vs. multiple 3-hour programs).
Lecture with hands-on applications and rescue demonstrations, where applicable. These programs can be tailored and focused to your procedures.
What to Bring:
Current safety manual, applicable safety procedures, and climbing or rescue equipment.
- OSHA Fundamentals 1 (4 – 5 – Classroom): Required Annually
Hazardous Communication (HazCom), Right to Know, Blood Borne Pathogens and optional Hearing Conservation
- OSHA Fundamentals 2 (4 – 5 , Classroom): Required Annually
Emergency Action & Evacuation Plans, Fire Prevention Plan, Fire Extinguishers, Ladder Safety, Walking & Working Surfaces and optional Silica Protection
- OSHA Fundamentals 3 (4 – 5 , Classroom): Recommended Annually
Lock Out/Tag Out (LOTO), Switching & Tagging, and Job Briefings
- OSHA Fundamentals 4 (5 – 6 , Classroom & Practical): Required Every 3 Years
Forklift Training & Practical Demonstration (vs. Awareness or Refresher Training)
Click here for more details on the OSHA courses NEPPA offers
Personal Protective Equipment
*May be combined with Electrical Theory as a COMBO Course for a reduced price.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is the last line of defense in the hierarchy of controls for hazards, but it is often the most visible protection during daily work.
Upon completion, participants will be able to:
- Recognize and assess hazardous conditions and safety – related practices required including use of personal protective equipment (PPE).
- Identify major hazards
- Describe types of hazards
- Protect yourself from these hazards
- Recognize employer requirements to protect workers from these hazards
Lecture with class interaction and discussion. Where possible, trainers will incorporate inspection of utility tools and equipment.
What to Bring:
Current APPA Safety Manual
Personal Protective Grounding
*May be combined with Electrical Test Equipment as a COMBO Course for a reduced price.
(29 CFR 269m)
To protect employees, proper steps must be taken to install grounds and safely de-energize lines and equipment.
Students will learn:
- Why Ground?
- The Effects of Current Flow Across the Body
- OSHA 269 (n)
- Grounding Methods
- Bracket Grounding
- Equipotential Grounding
- Practical demonstration of proper grounding techniques
Lecture with class interaction, discussion, and practical demonstration of proper grounding techniques. Where possible, trainers will incorporate inspection of utility tools and equipment.
What to Bring:
Current APPA Safety Manual
Spill Prevention Control & Countermeasures
*May be combined with Trouble Investigation as a COMBO Course for a reduced price.
This class covers the OSHA standards, requirements, and interpretation of Spill Prevention Control & Countermeasures. Upon completion, participants will have the ability to:
- Define application of OSHA’s HAZWOPER standard,
- Discuss general requirements
- Define emergency response
- Discuss levels of response and competencies
- Discuss training requirements
Lecture with class interaction and discussion. Where possible, trainers will incorporate inspection of utility tools and equipment.
What to Bring:
Current APPA Safety Manual.
Work Zone Safety
Recommended Annually in the Spring
29 CFR 1910.269 (w)(6)
Covers the MUTCD Part 6 which shows typical layouts for numerous scenarios that may be encountered on roadways throughout an electric utility.
Students will learn:
- The importance of Work Zone Safety
- What rules, codes and guidelines should be followed?
- Best Practices
- What equipment is required for adequate work zone protection?
- Demonstrate ability to properly set up a work zone for safe
- Applying the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) to Work
- Basic principles of Work Zone setups for utilities
Lecture with class interaction and discussion. Where possible, trainers will incorporate participant demonstration of proper work zone set-ups in different scenarios.
What to Bring:
Current APPA Safety Manual, MUTCD and Work Zone Safety Handbook (electronic copies available upon request).
Note: Training locations should provide all equipment and signs necessary to demonstrate proper work zone set-up.
Technical Classes
Our technical training programs are designed to ensure that members are properly trained working on or near energized equipment.
(Courses in RED are recommended or required.
Courses in GREEN are not the standard cost.)
AC Power Systems
AC Power Systems, offered in-person or virtually, covers alternating current power from theory to generation to the effects of AC power on different circuits. It also compares three-phase power to single-phase power.
Topics covered:
- How AC differs from DC
- How electromagnetic induction affects different circuits
- How the components of an AC circuit affect power factor
- What current and voltage do in series and parallel circuits
- How three-phase power is generated and how it differs from single-phase power
Lecture with class interaction and discussion. Where possible, trainers will incorporate inspection of utility tools and equipment.
Advanced Transformers
Advanced Transformers, offered in-person or virtually, takes an in-depth look at how a transformer works and how it is built. It covers Lentz’s Law and how electromagnetic induction creates a counter EMF to allow a transformer to work. Angular displacement and vector analysis is covered in detail.
Topics Covered:
- Transformer theory
- Transformer core construction
- Transformer windings and voltage ratios
- Transformer ratings and applications
- Angular displacement of the various connections
- Vector analysis of three phase transformer banks
Lecture with class interaction and discussion. Where possible, trainers will incorporate inspection of utility tools and equipment.
*May be combined with Voltage Regulators as a COMBO Course for a reduced price.
Capacitors, offered virtually or in-person, covers what a capacitor is, why they are needed, and how they affect the power system. Safe work procedures are also included.
Topics covered:
- The electrostatic field
- What’s inside the case
- The relationship of voltage and current in resistive, inductive, and capacitive circuits
- Why capacitors are needed
- Calculating power factor
- The hazards of working with capacitors and the necessary PPE required for safe operation
- Safe work procedures for working on capacitors
Lecture with class interaction and discussion. Where possible, trainers will incorporate inspection of utility tools and equipment.
Circuit Breakers
*May be combined with Relays as a COMBO Course for a reduced price.
This class covers the main function of a circuit breaker and how it extinguishes an arc. The different operating mechanisms and safe work practices are also covered.
This session explores the following:
- Factors used to extinguish arcs
- Arc Interrupting Mechanisms
- Breaker Operating Mechanisms
- Breaker Tests
- Racking a Breaker
- Personal Protective Equipment
Lecture with class interaction and discussion. Where possible, trainers will incorporate inspection of utility tools and equipment.
Crew Leadership Program
Please note: This special course offering is an increased price. Please contact NEPPA for pricing details.
This program is also offered at our training center in Littleton, MA. For more details on this training center program CLICK HERE.
Crew Leadership Program is designed to build upon existing leadership skills to work more effectively and efficiently in the field, while meeting standards and regulatory requirements. In addition to in-class lecture, the Crew Leadership Program includes a final exam to demonstrate knowledge and comprehension of the course content. Upon successful completion of the Program, students are awarded a Certificate of Completion.
Who Should Attend:
This program is designed for the following:
- Current or aspiring crew leaders
- Lineworkers or operations employees
- Employees or Supervisors transitioning from other departments
- Construction Supervisors
- Project Managers
Course Prerequisites:
The Crew Leadership Program is designed to build upon learning concepts in the Apprentice Lineworker and Advanced Lineworker Programs. The ideal participant has at least 3 – 5 years experience working in the field
Upon completion of this two-day program, participants will be able to successfully:
- Develop an understanding of different leadership styles and their applications in a crew setting.
- Practice tactics and strategies to transition from an employee to a leader.
- Cultivate practical communication skills to convey instructions, provide feedback, and resolve conflicts within the crew.
- Enhance problem-solving abilities to address challenges and obstacles that arise during crew activities.
- Acquire knowledge of team dynamics and how to foster a positive and productive work environment within the crew.
- Learn techniques for motivating and inspiring crew members to achieve common goals and objectives.
- Gain proficiency in decision-making processes relevant to crew operations, considering safety, efficiency, and resource management factors.
- Develop organizational skills to plan and coordinate crew tasks, schedules, and resources effectively.
- Understand the importance of accountability and responsibility as a leader within the crew, including the ability to take ownership of mistakes and learn from them.
- Explore strategies for building trust and rapport among crew members to enhance collaboration and cohesion.
- Evaluate personal leadership strengths and areas for growth and create a plan for continuous self-improvement as a crew leader.
- Understand the management of emergent situations that require mutual aid assistance and coordination.
These objectives serve as a framework for a comprehensive crew leadership course that addresses various aspects of leadership within the utility.
Customer Service 101: Basics of Electricity Operations & Customer De-Escalation
Please note: This special course offering is an increased price. Please contact NEPPA for pricing details.
This course is also offered at NEPPA’s training center in Littleton, MA. For more information on this training center course CLICK HERE.
NEPPA is pleased to offer this training on understanding the inner workings of electric distribution and operations for customer service representatives. This course also includes training on how to use verbal de-escalation techniques in interactions with the public.
Who Should Attend:
- All customer service representatives who respond to the customer’s questions.
- Anyone who interacts with customers, whether on the phone or in person.
Course Overview:
Understanding the inner workings of Electric Distribution and Operations for a Customer Service Representative.
Public power utilities need to be adaptable and responsive to changing customer expectations. Customer Service (CS) Representatives need to understand when a customer asks about the electric utility, how it operates, and what and why when speaking with the customer. After taking this course, the CS rep will gain a better knowledge of how the electric distribution system works, understand the essential components and definitions of the electric distribution system, and know how to answer the customer without diverting the call to operations or engineering. This course defines good customer service, how to identify and meet the needs of different types of customer questions, and how to create a culture of commitment to excellence in customer service across all areas of utility management, operations, and customer interactions—focusing on building customer service as a strategy, not simply an administrative function.
Using Verbal De-Escalation Techniques – Dealing with Customer and Public Interactions
As a customer service representative, you will encounter a threatening situation when the customer becomes unruly. This course will teach you some de-escalation tactics to calm the customer down politely. Also, you will understand the barriers to communicating. While not placing yourself in a compromising position.
Electrical Test Equipment
*May be combined with Personal Protective Grounding as a COMBO Course for a reduced price.
Electrical Test Equipment prepares participants to proficiently identify and use electrical test equipment in the field and in a substation.
Topics covered include:
- High and Low Voltage test equipment
- Cable & Fault Locators
- Phasing Sticks
- Power Analyzers
- Arrester Testing
Lecture with class interaction and discussion. Where possible, trainers will incorporate inspection of utility tools and equipment.
Electrical Theory
*May be combined with Personal Protective Equipment as a COMBO Course for a reduced price.
Electrical Theory covers the basics of electricity from atomic structure to AC power.
Topics covered:
- Atomic Structure
- Law of Charges & Law of Centrifugal Force Current Flow and Magnetism Static Electricity
- Volts, Amps, Ohms – Ohm’s Law Define Electric Power
Lecture with class interaction and discussion. Where possible, trainers will incorporate inspection of utility tools and equipment.
(Required for Licensing in Massachusetts)
This course is also offered at the NEPPA training center in Littleton, MA. For more details on this training center course CLICK HERE.
NEPPA offers test preparation and continuing education training for 1B-1D and 2A-2C Hoisting.
1B-1D Hoisting covers the following:
- Laws of 1B Hoisting
- Definitions of Terms
- SDS, GHS Review
- Rigging Fundamentals
- Environmental Considerations
2A-2C Hoisting covers the following:
- Excavation laws, regulations, standards
- Soil classification
- Soil testing
- Hazardous Conditions
- Competent person responsibilities
- Hazards associated with
- Protective systems
Metering I
Please note: This special course offering is an increased price. Please contact NEPPA for pricing details.
This house is also offered at NEPPA’s training center in Littleton, MA. For more details on our training center course CLICK HERE.
- Intermediate or transitioning Meter Technicians
- Lineworkers
- Supervisors or Managers transitioning from other departments
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of the program, participants will be able to successfully:
- Demonstrate a foundational/introductory knowledge of meter use, demand and digital vs. analog meters.
- Practice hands-on safe installation and removal of a meter.
- Calculate and demonstrate the safe measurement of electricity.
- Recognize meter theft, revenue protection controls, and how to safely install service and conduct inspections.
- Demonstrate a basic understanding of net metering, demand metering and reverse metering.
- Accurately identify faulty equipment and troubleshoot solutions
Metering II
Please note: This special course offering is an increased price. Please contact NEPPA for pricing details.
This course is also offered at NEPPA’s training center in Littleton, MA. For more details on this training center course CLICK HERE.
NEPPA’s Metering II Program is designed to build upon the introductory concepts of Metering I. Metering II explores advanced application of concepts, how to apply theory in practice and understand system design elements and equipment.
Upon successful completion of the Program, including a final exam, students are awarded a Certificate of Completion.
Who Should Attend:
This course is designed for:
• Intermediate or transitioning Meter Technicians
• Lineworkers
• Supervisors or Managers transitioning from other departments
Course Prerequisites:
Students are expected to have completed NEPPA’s Basic Electricity and Mathematics for Utility Operations and Metering I programs, and/or demonstrate a solid understanding of basic electricity concepts, theory, and mathematics through prequalification testing.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of the program, participants will be able to successfully:
- Demonstrate a foundational knowledge of how electricity is measured through meters.
- Practice advanced applications of meter installations and measurements.
- Apply advanced programming, testing and design concepts to real-world applications.
- Develop a system design that demonstrates a deep understanding of the system’s configuration.
- Recognize applicable standards and specifications such as the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC).
- Demonstrate an understanding of meter multipliers.
- Test the impacts of metering on billing and revenue protection.
*May be combined with System Protection as a COMBO Course for a reduced price.
Reclosers covers the purpose and application of reclosers on a distribution system. Also covered are system faults, recloser application and safe work procedures while working on a recloser, or the circuit fed by a circuit recloser.
Upon completion, participants will:
- Understand the purpose, operation, and maintenance of reclosers on distribution
- Ability to identify different types, classifications, controls, and interrupters of
- Understand application of reclosers in system protection
- Review how to bypass and replace a
- Program a recloser
Lecture with class interaction and discussion. Where possible, trainers will incorporate inspection of utility tools and equipment.
*May be combined with Circuit Breakers as a COMBO Course for a reduced price.
Offered in-person or virtually, this class explores the basic functions, elements, and purpose of relays in system protection including different types of relays.
Upon completion, participants are able to:
- Understand the main functions of a
- Identify the five (5) main elements of
- Identify and explain various types of relays
Lecture with class interaction and discussion. Where possible, trainers will incorporate inspection of utility tools and equipment.
Rigging, Ropes & Safety
This class covers the practical application of weights and loads, the Working Load Limit of equipment, shock load, sling angles and parted blocks with snatch blocks.
Students will learn:
- How to calculate strains and tensions found in rigging
- The Working Load Limit
- Different types of rope
- How knots affect the Working Load Limit
- How to apply their knowledge to practical applications in line work
- Parted blocks and snatch blocks
- The importance of safety in rigging
Lecture with class interaction and discussion. Where possible, trainers will incorporate hands-on application and demonstration of concepts and equipment.
What to Bring:
Current APPA Safety Manual and a calculator.
NOTE: Rigging, Ropes and Safety does NOT satisfy MA Hoisting Licensing requirements.
Rubber Gloving and Insulate & Isolate
This class stresses the importance of cover-up and use of rubber gloves and sleeves as an industry best practice.
Upon completion, participants will:
- Understand Insulate & Isolate Requirements
- How to Properly Insulate & Isolate
- Use, Care, Testing & Inspection of Rated Protective Equipment:
- Insulator Hoods
- Pole Guards
- Line Hoses
- Use, Care, Testing & Inspection of Rated & Tested Protective Equipment:
- Rubber Gloves & Sleeves
- Rubber Blankets
- Work Area Safety
- Understand Arc Flash Safety: Hazards in Open Air
Lecture with class interaction and discussion. Where possible, trainers will incorporate inspection of utility tools, equipment, and rubber goods.
What to Bring:
Current APPA Safety Manual.
Substation Components & Safety
Offered in-person or virtually, Substation Components & Safety explores the key elements of a substation including its role in the transmission and distribution system and how that can affect the safe operation, maintenance, and repair of equipment. Upon completion, participants can:
- Identify major types of substations
- Understand differences and classifications of power transformers Identify hazards in the safe operation and maintenance of substation batteries Electrical hazards and personal protective equipment (PPE) DC fuse protection
- OSHA regulations for electric utilities in substations
Lecture with class interaction and discussion. Where possible, trainers will incorporate hands-on application and demonstration of concepts and equipment.
What to Bring:
Current APPA Safety Manual.
System Protection
*May be combined with Reclosers as a COMBO Course for a reduced price.
The primary objective of “System Protection” is to protect the public and utility employees, reduce the damage to electrical equipment, and reduce the duration and number of outages on any system. This class covers line and equipment protection utilized by virtually all electric utilities.
Students will learn:
- Electrical system protection fundamentals
- Distribution lines and equipment
- Lightning protection
- Substation protection
- Outage record keeping
Lecture with class interaction and discussion. Where possible, trainers will incorporate inspection of utility tools and equipment.
What to Bring:
Current APPA Safety Manual.
Transformer Review & Connections
Transformer Review & Connections covers a review of electromagnetic induction, the components of a transformer and their functions, bushing arrangements and the various types of transformers. Some basic field testing of transformers is also discussed.
Upon completion, participants will explore:
- Definition of a Transformer
- Identify Types of Transformers
- Understand How a Transformer Works
- Understand Transformer Ratings & Nameplates
- Single Phase Transformers
- Calculating Load
- Paralleling
- Three Phase Transformers
- Connections
- Paralleling
- Transformer Connections
- Trends & Troubleshooting
Lecture with class interaction and discussion. Where possible, trainers will incorporate examination and demonstration of utility tools and equipment.
What to Bring:
Current APPA Safety Manual
Trouble Investigation
*May be combined with Spill Prevention Control & Countermeasures as a COMBO Course for a reduced price.
This class covers several typical scenarios of power disturbances/outages.
Students will learn:
- Difference between a temporary and permanent repair
- Properly follow emergency response and trouble reporting
- To walk through steps to troubleshoot:
- Overhead Primary Outage
- Underground Primary Outage
- Voltage Regulators
- Capacitors
- Overhead & Step Transformers
- Service Troubles
Highly interactive discussion and problem-solving scenarios.
What to Bring:
Current APPA Safety Manual and practical examples of past situations and case studies.
Underground Distribution Review
This class discusses the design of underground electrical conductors with the related substructure and covers trenching and excavation. URD splicing, terminating, and marking are also discussed. Upon completion, participants will:
- Discuss history and types of underground installations
- Identify different conductor types, components, and cable specifications
- Discuss cable testing and fault locating
- Understand substructure and cable installation considerations
- Identify best practices of pulling cables
- Understand methods of Splicing, Terminating, & Marking
Lecture with class interaction and discussion. Where possible, trainers will incorporate inspection of utility tools and equipment, including the proper use of fault locating tools.
Voltage Regulators
*May be combined with Capacitors as a COMBO Course for a reduced price.
This class covers the theory of operation and the construction of step voltage regulators and load tap changers. Control setting and programming are presented along with safe work practices and the hazards of voltage regulators is stressed.
Upon completion, participants will:
- Understand Induced Voltage
- Identify Induction Voltage Regulators
- Identify Step Voltage Regulators
- Understand Autotransformers
- Understand How Step Voltage Regulators work
- How they are controlled/programmed
- How they can be maintained
Lecture with class interaction and discussion. Where possible, trainers will incorporate inspection of utility tools and equipment.
NOTE: The use and availability of a voltage regulator to demonstrate concepts learned is very helpful.
Frequently Asked Questions
REGISTRATION FEES - What are the registration fees for @Your Site trainings?
2025 Registration Fees
We encourage members to invite and host nearby systems to foster collaboration, facilitation and to meet the minimum attendance, as needed. We review course fees annually and therefore the fees listed below are subject to change.
3-Hour @Your-Site Training*
NEPPA has a per person registration fee for @Your-Site Safety & Technical Classes:
- NEPPA Members (Utility & Affiliate)
- 9 or more participants is $83 per person. 8 or less participants is a $700 flat fee.
- Non-Members
- 9 or more pariticipants is $165 per person. 8 or less participants is a $1,350 flat fee.
- NEPPA Members (Utility & Affiliate)
*Please note that First Aid/CPR is a 6-hour course but it is billed at the 3-hour rate.
4 to 6-Hour @Your-Site Training:
(This includes all OSHA Fundamentals and Combo courses)
- NEPPA Members (Utility & Affiliate)
- 9 or more participants is $150 per person. 8 or less participants is a $1,200 flat fee.
- Non-Members
- 9 or more participants is $275 per person. 8 or less participants is a $2,200 flat fee.
- NEPPA Members (Utility & Affiliate)
@Your-Site Virtual Training
In special circumstances NEPPA offers the ability to take certain @Your-Site courses virtually. Please contact NEPPA to schedule this. Fees will be determined on a case by case basis.
SUGGESTED SCHEDULE - Is there a suggested schedule for when classes should be done?
To better serve you, our members, NEPPA has created a suggested @Your Site In-Person Training Schedule (see below). During the Registration process, you are welcome to select any of the following classes, add an “Other” class, or elect not to schedule a course in any particular month.
- 17th Edition APPA Safety Manaul
- Part 1 (Definitions Parts 1, 2 & 3)
- Part 2 (Part 4: PPE; Part 5: Operations 508-514)
- 17th Edition APPA Safety Manaul
- OSHA Fundamentals 1 (Hazardous Communication, Right to Know, Blood Borne Pathogens, Silica Protection, and Spill Prevention Control & Countermeasures)
- Underground Distribution Review
- Work Zone Safety
- OSHA Fundamentals 2 (Emergency Action & Evacation Plans, Fire Prevention Plan, Fire Extinguishers, Ladder Safety, Walking and Working Surfaces, and Hearing Conservation where applicable)
- OSHA Fundamentals 3 (Lock Out/Tag Out, Switching & Tagging and Bucket & Pole Top Rescue)
Or - Enclosed & Confined Space Rescue
- OSHA Fundamentals 3 (Lock Out/Tag Out, Switching & Tagging and Bucket & Pole Top Rescue)
- Bucket & Pole Top Rescue
- Make-Up Classes
- Make-Up Classes
- OSHA Fundamentals 4 (Forklift Training & Practical Demonstration)
Or - Personal Protective Grounding
- OSHA Fundamentals 4 (Forklift Training & Practical Demonstration)
- Rigging, Ropes & Safety
- Trouble Investigation
- Chainsaw and Chipper Safety
LOCATION OPTIONS - What location options are there for @Your Site trainings?
@Your-Site in-person trainings may be conducted on-site at a member utility or at NEPPA’s Training Facility. NEPPA encourages nearby utilities to group together for trainings which helps facilitate the sharing of ideas and best-practices, as well as build the overall public power community.
START AND END TIMES - What are the start and end times for @Your Site trainings?
Some specialty courses have differing start and end times. That being said, most in-person 3-hour classes will begin at 8:00 am and conclude at 11:00 am. 4-6 hour courses are usually held from 8:00am to 2:00pm.
COMBO COURSES - Can @Your Site trainings be combined?
NEPPA offers the following “Combo Courses” at a cost savings:
4-6 Hour Combo Courses are typically held from 8:00 am – 2:00 pm, unless otherwise requested.
- Arc Flash and Hot Stick Safety
- Capacitors and Voltage Regulators
- Circuit Breakers and Relays
- Electrical Test Equipment and Personal Protective Grounding
- Electrical Theory and Personal Protective Equipment
- Reclosers and System Protection
- Spill Prevention Control & Countermeasures and Trouble Investigation
REQUIRED COURSES - What @Your Site trainings are required?
Please note: Because requirements differ in each state, we suggest you research your state’s regulations to confirm what is required.
- Bucket & Pole Top Rescue (Required every year)
- Enclosed & Confined Spaces (Required every year)
- OSHA Fundamentals (1) HazCom, Right to Know, Blood Borne Pathogens, Hearing Conservation (Required every year)
- OSHA Fundamentals (2) Emergency Action & Evac Plans, Fire Prevention Plan, Fire Extinguishers, Ladder Safety, Walking & Working Surfaces (Required every year)
- OSHA Fundamentals (4) Forklift Training & Practical Demonstration (Required every 3 years)
- Hoisting (1B-1D & 2A-2C) (Required for licensing in MA)
We recommend the following trainings, which contribute to a culture of safety in the workplace.
- Work Zone Safety (Annually in spring)
- Medic First Aid/CPR/AED (Annually for field workers, every 2 years for office staff)
- OSHA Fundamentals (3) Lock Out/Tag Out, Switching & Tagging, Job Briefing (Annually)
PREREQUISITES - Are there prerequisites for @Your Site trainings?
Unless noted, there are no prerequisites for these courses.
CANCELLATION POLICY - What is the cancellation policy for @Your Site trainings?
Cancellations made less than 24 business hours before the class will be billed at the minimum/flat fee rate. Multiple classes can be held on the same day, but are billed separately. To cancel, please reach out to training@neppa.org or call 978-540-2200. For last minute cancellations when a trainer has already been assigned and may be traveling, it is also appreciated if you call the trainer directly to alert them.
HAVING SOMEONE OBSERVE - Can we have someone observe the @Your Site training without registering?
NEPPA strives to provide the highest level of training and education. An important part of the educational experience is to have the knowledge of other participants and their surroundings.
We encourage the participation or observation of utility management, general foremen or elected leaders at courses. This better facilitates the communication process between field workers and decision makers on safety issues.
If a utility is hosting a training and they wish to have a non-affiliated person attend or participate, they must seek approval from NEPPA prior to the training.
REQUIREMENTS FOR PARTICIPANTS - Are there requirements of the participants of @Your Site trainings?
NEPPA reserves the right to remove or ask an attendee to leave its programs.
Reasons for removal include:
- Disruptive or inappropriate behavior for the learning environment;
- Lack of appropriate dress or equipment for classes requiring protective gear or equipment;
- Refusal or inability to perform for classes requiring physical performance;
- Non-adherence to safety rules or standards in classes where standards apply
The General Foreman or General Manager will be alerted to the situation.
Removal for any of the above reasons does not entitle participating parties to a refund.
Note: For classes requiring physical performance, students who have obtained confirmation from their utility acknowledging their inability to perform due to injury will be allowed to observe. This will be documented on the class roster.