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Annual Conference

NEPPA’s 2024 Annual Conference will be held August 25-28, 2024 at Omni Mount Washington Resort.  Join your professional colleagues for 3 days of educational sessions, roundtables, networking, sponsor exhibits, and more!


 *** Registration for this event is now closed ***

click tab below for more information 

Agenda 2024

Agenda details are still being finalized and are therefore subject to change.

Sunday, August 25, 2024


2:00–5:30 pm Registration (Great Hall), Welcome Wagon (The Conservatory), Sponsor Set up and Move In (Presidential Ballroom)

3:00–3:30 pm Member Value Committee Meeting (The Conservatory)

3:30–5:00 pm NEPPA’s Student Scholarship Fund Activity (meet at The Conservatory)

5:15–8:00 pm Skyway Gondola to Crystal Hills (Bretton Woods Ski Resort) *Hotel shuttle to Gondola starts at 5pm

5:30–7:30 pm Welcome Reception at Crystal Hills (Rosebrook Lodge)


Monday, August 26, 2024


7:00 am Registration (Great Hall), Sponsors Set up and Move In (Presidential Ballroom)
7:00–10:00 am Breakfast (The Dining Room)
8:00 am Opening Remarks (Grand Ballroom)
8:15 am Keynote Speaker: Transmission Panning for the Future Grid (Grand Ballroom) Alan McBride, Vice President, System Planning, ISO New England, LLC.
9:15 am Break and Visit with Sponsors (Presidential Ballroom)
9:45 am General Session #1 Commonwealth Fusion Topic TBD (Grand Ballroom) Ben Byboth, Commonwealth Fusion
10:45 am Break and Visit with Sponsors (Presidential Ballroom)
11:15 am General Session #2 Meeting Tomorrow’s Energy Needs (Grand Ballroom) Morgan Scott, Director of Climate READi, Sustainability & Ecosystem Stewardship

12:15 pm Lunch (The Dining Room), Visit with Sponsors (Presidential Ballroom)
1:30 pm General Session #3 National Cyber Threats (Grand Ballroom)
Doug Domin, Supervisory Special Agent FBI Boston and Bryn Schweda, Intelligence Analyst FBI Boston
2:30 pm Break and Visit with Sponsors (Presidential Ballroom)
3:00 pm General Session #4 What are NEPPA Benefits? What We Offer! (Grand Ballroom) Mike Hyland, Executive Director of Northeast Public Power Association
4:15 pm Annual Business Meeting (Jefferson Room)
5:30–9:30 pm Children's Program (Omni Kid’s Activity Room)
6:00 – 7:00 pm Networking Reception (The Conservatory & Veranda)
7:00 pm Awards Dinner (Grand Ballroom) *Semi-Formal Attire Expected
9:00-11:00 pm Music & Open Bar Hosted by Energy New England (The Conservatory)

Tuesday, August 27, 2024


7:00 am Registration (Great Hall)
7:00-10:00 am Breakfast (The Dining Room)
8:00 am General Session #5 Legislative Update (Grand Ballroom)
Joy Grewatz, Principal, Meguire Whitney
9:00 am Break and Visit with Sponsors (Presidential Ballroom)
9:15 am General Session #6 Public Power Outlook (Grand Ballroom)
Daniel Aschenbach, AGVP Advisory
10:15 am Break and Visit with Sponsors (Presidential Ballroom)
10:30 am General Session #7 Transmission Siting and Permitting Efforts – Public/Private Opportunities
Ariel Horowitz, Deputy Director of the Grid Modernization Division, U.S. Department of Energy
11:30 am Box Lunch (Presidential Foyer)
12:00 pm Sponsors Break Down and Move Out (Presidential Ballroom)
12:30 pm Benevolent Fund Activities:

#1 Golf Tournament
-Shotgun Start at 1:00pm
Mount Washington Golf Club
210 Mount Washington Hotel Road
Bretton Woods, NH 03575

#2 Cog Railway
-Train leaves at 1:00pm
3168 Base Station Road
Mount Washington, NH

5:00 pm
Dinner on Own
7:00 pm Tournament Awards (The Conservatory)
7:00 pm NEPPA’s Young Professionals Group Meet-up - Sparks and Spooks Bonfire Bash (Meet at The Conservatory at 7:00pm and head to fire pit at 7:15pm)

Wednesday, August 28, 2024


6:45-10:00 am Farewell Breakfast (The Dining Room)
9:00 am NEPPA Board of Directors Meeting (Reagan Room)
11:00 am Conference Adjourns


"We are proud to support the NEPPA Annual Conference as it embodies the collaboration and community spirit that are at the core of public power.  This event is a testament to the dedication and hard work of our NEPPA members and partners.  Offering valuable opportunities for learning and networking, the conference equips attendees with the necessary insights to bring back to their utilities, fostering continuing development in safely delivering reliable and affordable electricity to their consumers."

Michael Jennings

VP of Energy Delivery, New Hampshire Electric Cooperative, Inc.

“Milton CAT has been a proud sponsor of the NEPPA RodE&O and Annual Conference for many years now.

We are actively involved directly with many of NEPPA’s members and appreciate especially what the Annual Conference allows us to do regarding networking and continuing to build relationships, in person.

The event allows for both business discussions and to catch up on personal life events with people we may only see several times a year.

NEPPA offers such value as an organization, we look forward to the continued involvement and support of them!”

Audra Wilson

Milton CAT

Registration 2024

Attendee Registration:

NEPPA's 2024 Annual Conference will be held August 25-28, 2024 at the Omni Mount Washington Resort (310 Mount Washington Hotel Road, Bretton Woods, NH 03575).  Join your professional colleagues for 3 days of educational sessions, roundtables, networking, sponsor exhibits and more!


2024 Attendee Registration Fees: 

By July 26th After July 26th
Utility Member/ Commissioner - $895 Utility Member/ Commissioner - $995
First Corporate Member (one complimentary registration) - Contact NEPPA  
Additional Corporate Member/ Associate Member - $925 Additional Corporate Member/ Associate Member - $1,025
Non-Member - $1,095 Non-Member - $1,195
Monday, August 26th ONLY (Member/ Non-Member)  - $475/ $675 Monday, August 26th ONLY (Member/ Non-Member)  - $575/ $775
Tuesday, August 27th ONLY (Member/ Non-Member)  - $375/ $575 Tuesday, August 27nd ONLY (Member/ Non-Member)  - $475/ $675
Guest of Child 17+ - $200 each Guest of Child 17+ - $250 each
Child Under 17 - $150 each Child Under 17 - $200 each
Award Dinner Only Guest - $150 each Award Dinner Only Guest - $175 each
Scholarship Fund Activity - $25 each  Scholarship Fund Activity - $25

Not yet a member? Join today and save money on your conference registration. Call 978-540-2200 or email

Cancellations are accepted until Monday, July 29, 2024. Substitutions may be made at any time.

Sponsor Registration 2024

Support NEPPA's Annual Conference and reap the benefits of engaging with hundreds of public power leaders from all over the Northeast Region.  Want to sponsor something that is not listed?  Contact Wendy Esche at of call the office at (978) 540-2200.

*Display table space is limited to Ruby, Platinum & Gold Sponsor participants and will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

Please select your sponsorship from the opportunities listed below and return this form to

Sponsorship Opportunities

2023 Sponsors


Be Noticed Ruby Platinum Gold
Sold Out
Logo Placement on Sponsor Signs On-Site at Conference X X X X
Badge Ribbon Designation X X X X
Company Logo on website, Promotional & On-Site Materials X X X X
Verbal Recognition at Award Dinner X X X X
Attendee Contact List (One Week Prior to Event) X X X X
Table-Top Display & Attendance for 1 Company Rep. X X X
Special Signage (See Opportunities Below) X X X  
Welcome Reception - Verbal Recognition at Event, Sponsor Showcase, High Top Display, Signage. X      


Ruby Sponsorship Opportunities  ($2,650) *** NEW THIS YEAR ***
(Qty. Available - See breakdown where appropriate.) 

Welcome Reception:  (3 ea.) Sunday, August 25th
Verbal Recognition at opening remarks, Sponsor Showcase, High Top Display Table, Signage at event.

Platinum Level Sponsorship Opportunities  ($1,750)
(Qty. Available - See breakdown where appropriate.) 

Branding:  (3 ea.) Lanyards, (3 ea.) Conference App
Welcome Reception:  (3 ea.) Sunday, August 25th
Keynote Speaker:  (3 ea.)  Monday, August 26th
Breakfast: (3 ea.) Monday, August 26th or (3 ea.) Tuesday, August 27th, (3 ea.) Wednesday, August 28th
Lunch: (3 ea.) Monday, August 26th or (3 ea.) Tuesday, August 27th     
Networking Reception (before Awards Dinner): (3 ea.) Monday, August 26th
Award Dinner:  (3 ea.) Monday, August 26th
Benevolent Fund Activities:  Tuesday, August 27th (3 ea.) Golf Tournament or (3 ea.) Mount Washington Cog Railway

-  SOLD OUT  -  Gold Level Sponsorship Opportunities ($1,250)
(Qty. Available - See breakdown where appropriate.) 

Morning & Mid-Morning Break: (6 ea.)  Monday, August 26th or (3 ea.)  Tuesday, August 27th
Afternoon Break: (3 ea.) Monday, August 26th
Audio Visual: (3 ea.) Monday, August 26th or (3 ea.) Tuesday, August 27th
Charging Kiosk:
 (3 ea.) (for Cell Phones, Tablets, etc.)
Scholoarship Fund Activity: (3 ea.) Sunday, August 25th

Silver Level Sponsorship Opportunities  ($925)

Silver Sponsors will have their logo placed on website, signs and marketing materials on site.   

Additional Benevolent Fund Activity Sponsorships:  Tuesday, August 27th 

Golf Tournament: Mount Washington Golf Club
Tee Hole Sponsor: $250 each 

3 ea. Beverage Cart Sponsor:$800
3 ea. Golf Awards Reception Sponsor: $800

Please complete and return the Sponsorship Form by Friday, August 9, 2024.  Cancellations are not accepted once registered.

If you don't see something on the above list you would like to sponsor please contact Wendy Esche, or call the office at (978) 540-2200.

Expo Schedule:

(Agenda details are subject to change)

Sunday, August 25th

    • 2:00 pm - 5:30 pm       Move-In (Presidential Ballroom)
    • 5:15–8:00 pm                Skyway Gondola to Crystal Hills (Bretton Woods Ski Resort) *Hotel shuttle to Gondola starts at 5pm
    • 5:30–7:30 pm                Welcome Reception at Crystal Hills (Rosebrook Lodge)

Monday, August 26th 

    • 7:00 am - 9:15 am        Move-In (Presidential Ballroom)
    • 7:00 am - 10:00 am       Breakfast (The Dining Room)
    • 9:15 am - 9:45 am        Break and Visit with Sponsors (Presidential Ballroom)
    • 10:45 am - 11:15 am     Break and Visit with Sponsors (Presidential Ballroom)
    • 12:15 pm - 1:30 pm     Lunch (The Dining Room) and Visit with Sponsors (Presidential Ballroom)
    • 2:30 pm - 3:00 pm      Break and Visit with Sponsors
    • 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm      Networking Reception (The Conservatory & Veranda)
    • 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm      Awards Dinner (Grand Ballroom) *Semi-Formal Attire Expected

Tuesday, August 27th 

    • 7:00 am - 10:00 am      Breakfast (The Dining Room)
    • 9:00 am - 9:15 am       Break and Visit with Sponsors (Presidential Ballroom)
    • 10:15 am - 10:30 am   Break and Visit with Sponsors (Presidential Ballroom)
    • 11:30 am                       Grab and Go Lunch (Presidential Foyer)
    • 12:00 pm                      Move-Out

Lodging  2024 

To book your overnight accommodations, please contact the hotel directly and mention you're with the Northeast Public Power Association or 2024 NEPPA to get the group rate.

Rooms and rates are held until Tuesday, July 23, 2024 and are based on availability.

Omni Mount Washington Resort - $399/ night + tax

310 Mount Washington Hotel Road
Bretton Woods, NH 03575
(603) 278-1000    

Resort Service Charge - $35 per night + tax

The prevailing resort fee will apply to all group rooms. Currently the resort charge is $35.00 per night (taxable), which includes the following amenities and services: in-room high speed Internet access, valet parking, access to all resort fitness centers and pools, local and toll-free telephone calls, resort, morning coffee and access to digital newspaper, seasonal lectures and musical programs, daily activities including tennis, après ski parties, ice skating and summer hiking trail access. Resort Services Fee does not include gratuities for resort service. These items are subject to change.

Check-in/Check-out Details: Hotel check-in time is 4:00 pm; check-out time is 11:00 am. All guests arriving before 3:00 pm will be accommodated as rooms become available. Guest Service staff can arrange to check baggage for those arriving early when rooms are unavailable and for guests attending functions on departure day.

Payment/Cancellation: All reservations must be guaranteed with a major credit card.  Omni Mount Washington Resort & Spa will not hold any reservations unless secured by a credit card.   Individuals are required to cancel reservation at least 7 days prior to arrival to avoid a cancelation charge including one night's room rate plus tax.  Any reservation that fail to arrive on the scheduled arrival date will be considered NO-Show and a charge of one nights room and tax will be charge.  In order to confirm room assignment you will be required to provide a first night's deposit.  Checks and major credit cards are acceptable to establish prepayment.      

To make reservations attendees can call the hotel direct at (603) 278-1000, call the Omni Reservation line at (800) 843-664 
or click below to make reservations online:

Benevolent Fund Activity 2024
Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Benevolent Fund Activity #1

The Mount Washington Golf Course
301 Mount Washington Hotel Road
Bretton Woods, NH 03575 

Golf Tournament ($175)

Play 18 Holes at the beautiful Mt. Washington Course and support NEPPA’s Benevolent Fund at the same time! Golf registration fees will cover green & cart fees. Net proceeds are donated to the Benevolent fund.

Space is limited, register early!

About the Course
Nestled in the spectacular grounds of the Omni Mount Washington Resort are two award winning championship golf courses. Built by legendary Scottish architect Donald Ross in 1915, this course has been voted Golfweek’s “Best Course You Can Play”. Don’t miss this opportunity to play with New Hampshire’s breathtaking Presidential Mountain Range as your backdrop.

Registration Fees Include: [1:00 pm Tee time]

• Golf Cart
• Tournament Scoring
•  Lunch

Shotgun start at 1:00 PM

Scramble format.
Prizes awards for:
Top 3 Finishers
Closet to the pin 
Longest Drive (Men & Women)
$5,000 Hole-In-One

Benevolent Fund Activity #2

Mount Washington Cog Railway   
3168 Base Station Road  
Mount Washington, NH 03589

Mount Washington Cog Railway Experience ($95)

Join us for an afternoon on the Mt. Washington Cog Railway; the first mountain–climbing cog railway in the world. Since 1869 “The Cog” has been a great way to experience the White Mountains of NH. View the majestic Presidential Mountain Range from your seat on this historic coach, powered by a vintage coal-fired steam locomotive. The 3-hour round trip is full of plenty of scenic picture opportunities. Once at the summit, take in the vistas and explore the Mount Washington Observatory’s Museum. Experience the trip of a lifetime to the summit and back!


Space is limited, register early!

Cancellations are accepted until Monday, July 29, 2024. Substitutions may be made at any time.

Scholarship Fund Activity 2024

Bourbon with Barry
Sunday, August 25, 2024

3:30 pm - 5:00 pm

The Conservatory - 310 Mt. Washington Hotel Road, Bretton Woods, NH 03575


Raffles & Games

Bourbon Tasting

Live Music - The Hyland Brothers

Cost per Person:



Event Description

Join Barry Tupper (GM for Holden Municipal Light) and the Member Value Committee for a social hour and bourbon tasting to benefit NEPPA’s Student Scholarship Fund. Money raised will go towards high school and secondary school scholarships given annually to qualified applicants. Held in Mount Washington Resort’s Conservatory, participants will enjoy drinks, activities and live music by The Hyland Brothers band.



Register and pay in advance by using our online registration or printable form. Both are linked below. Participants can also register and pay at the time of the event. 

Questions:  Please contact or call the office at (978) 540-2200.