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2024 Energy Connect Conference

NEPPA’s 2024 Energy Connect Conference (formerly Customer Service, Credit & Collections Conference) will be held October 22 – 24, 2024 at the AC Hotel Marriott in Worcester, MA (125 Front Street Worcester, Massachusetts).


Energy Connect is a great way for public power professionals to share ideas, build connections and gain resources. Speaker topics range from customer service insights and business leadership, to energy innovation and IT. We have some exciting educational sessions, roundtables, networking opportunities, sponsor exhibits, and more planned for this year! 


The Carol A. Tracey Customer Service Award is presented at the Energy Connect Conference awards lunch on Wednesday. Be sure to nominate your customer service rockstar! Nominations are due by Friday, September 27, 2024


Thank you to our Conference Sponsors!

click tab below for more information 


Agenda details are still being finalized and are therefore subject to change.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024 

8:00 AM  Registration, Coffee/Light Refreshments


9:00 AM - 4:00 PM  New England Electrification Leadership Summit (Seperate registration and fee through Beneficial Electrification League)
Lead by: Alex Hofmann, Chief Strategy and Operations Officer for the Beneficial Electrification League


Advances in end-use technology and low-carbon electric generation, coupled with improvements in grid connectivity and consumer awareness and acceptance, have increased the value of beneficial electrification. This event will convene leaders from New England to discuss opportunities and challenges around further electrification of our economy.

In addition, Uncle Sam is opening his pocketbook for Federal infrastructure investments that can be used toward beneficial electrification programs and projects. While the concept of beneficial electrification is appealing, the question remains – how do we implement? This meeting will bring together stakeholders from a variety of backgrounds to discuss next steps to meeting both challenges and opportunities provided by advancements in electric technology.


11:30 AM - 12:30 PM  Lunch


1:00 - 4:00 PM  IT Roundtable (Seperate fee to attend)
Facilitator: Mike Hyland, Executive Director of Northeast Public Power Association


NEPPA’s IT Roundtable is an opportunity for small group discussion among those interested in technology related topics. The facilitator will encourage and prompt exploration of the following topics: Ability to accept technology changes and the role company culture plays, How to handle employee burn out, Working within budget and funding constraints and Vendor Dependency. 


4:00 PM Welcome Reception 


Wednesday, October 23, 2024 

7:00 AM Registration
7:30 AM Continental Breakfast
8:30 AM  Welcome & Opening Remarks 
8:45 AM  General Session: NOW SHOWING: Lifecycle of a Customer - Best Practices of Customer Engagement/Crisis Communication through Roleplay, with the NEPPA Players

Lead by: Anne Finley, Administration Assistant/ Public Utility Accounting, Hull Municipal Light Plant & Haleigh Dufour, Business Services, Littleton Electric Light and Water Department  

The “NEPPA Players” (a team of volunteer members) will serve as actors and commentators as they bring the audience through a step-by-step of the stages of customer service in public power. Touching upon how best to navigate the challenges of getting a new customer set up, adding solar, new construction, technology issues, hardship services, making payments, storm damage, aging customers, account turnover and more.

9:45 AM Break  
10:00 AM Breakout Sessions
(Energy Innovation Track) - Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence for Utility Customer Engagement
by Mike Filippone, Enterprise Account Executive, Blastpoint
Join us for a live talk on leveraging AI and machine learning for utility customer engagement. We’ll dive into real-world use cases like predicting CSAT scores, segmenting customers, and boosting low-income engagement. Learn how utilities can use predictive analytics while addressing challenges around data privacy, ethics, and AI limitations.
(Business Track) - Recruitment, Selection and Retention: Finding the Perfect Fit
by Dr. Arthur Graziano, Division Manager of Human Resources and Technology at Braintree Electric Department

Human capital is like a jigsaw puzzle. For a company to look great, every piece must fit properly. Determine the person’s skills and qualities needed to fit the role, then begin the process. Don’t settle for less than great quality. It will give you less than great performance.

11:00 AM Break 
11:15 AM Breakout Sessions
(Customer Service Track) - Customer Service Roundtable: Time Management- A Proactive Instead of Reactive Approach to Collections
Co-Facilitators:  Linda Seaman, Operation Manager, Middleborough Gas & Electric Department & Scott Munn, Utilities Sales Manager - Utilities, ONLINE Information Services, Inc.
A roundtable discussion on proactive collections, including policies, best practices and creative approaches

(Business Track) - Business Roundtable: Dealing with Legacy Systems, Implementing an AMI Program
Facilitator:  Chris Adley, Engineering Technician at Littleton Electric Light and Water Departments

As utilities move from legacy to modern systems, questions of interoperability, integration, and security have become paramount. With modernization of customer information systems, geographic information systems, SCADA, and meter reading systems, utilities have the responsibility to marry modern technology with existing legacy systems. Please join your peers for a roundtable discussing these transitions and how they impact business processes in the utility world.

12:15   Lunch and Awards Presentation
1:30 PM Team Building Activity- Bike Building Relay for Charity
Lead by: Rebecca Rivas, Senior Sales Instructor for The Leaders Institute
This Build-A-Bike ® event is an energetic and competitive shared experience that involves small groups working together to complete challenges. Groups who complete their challenges, will earn the bike parts they need to complete their bike. Bikes will be donated to kids in need through partnership with a local charity. No bike building experience necessary.
3:30 PM Break 
3:45 PM Breakout Sessions

(Energy Innovation Track) - Come and "Wine" About Your EV Charging Programs - Drinks and Discussion
Facilitator:  Craig Spinale, General Manager for Belmont Light

Attendees will get the opportunity to share the good and the bad about their EV Charging programs, including charging station troubleshooting, range anxiety, charging rates, benefits of a proactive vs. hands-off approach. Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks will be provided for those who wish to take part.

5:00 PM Happy Hour

Thursday, October 24, 2024

7:00 AM Registration

7:30 AM Continental Breakfast

9:00 AM General Session - Panel Discussion: Social Media Mastery for Public Power: Strategies for Success
Facilitator: Jackie Campbell, Member Services Coordinator, Northeast Public Power Association

Join public power professionals and social media experts as they discuss the role of social media in building community connections, share successful strategies, and explore best practices for content creation, engagement, and measuring success. Gain insights into emerging trends and learn how to strengthen your online presence.

10:00 AM Break  

10:15 AM Breakout Sessions

(Customer Service Track) Electricity 101 - Understanding the Basics of Field Operations to Better Assist Customers
By Anthony Calascibetta, Electric Operations Manager, Ipswich Utilities
This session is meant to give administrative staff an overview of how the electric distribution system works, so they have the tools to answer customer questions without needing to divert the call to operations or engineering personnel. Anthony will review the electric distribution system’s essential components with definitions and standards of safety.

(Energy Innovation Track) - Energy Innovation Roundtable: Benchmarking - Comparing Energy Rebates and Incentive Programs
Facilitator:  Dani Taylor, Energy Services/Communications Supervisor, Middleborough Gas and Electric Department

When it comes to energy efficiency, rebates and incentives are commonly used terms. Join this roundtable as we dive into rebates and incentives programs and discuss the success and challenges that are faced in developing, promoting, and carrying out such programs.  

11:15 AM Break  

11:30 AM Breakout Sessions

(Customer Service Track) Truly Protecting Organizations and Employees Against Today’s Threats
By Terry L. Choate, Jr., CEO and President of Blue-U Defense

Today’s threats to our nation’s public utilities are at an all-time high. Protecting services and employees is our responsibility. The challenge is doing it practically, effectively, and within time and money constraints. The remedy, thankfully, is not extremely difficult or time-consuming. In this short session, Blue-U will discuss the powerful basics of what you need to secure your services and employees. 

(Business Track) Peak Shaving for Impact: Groton’s Substation and Microgrid Battery Storage Projects
By Rory Jones, Lighshift Energy; Joseph Leavitt, Lighshift Energy and
John Patterson, General Manager, Groton Electric Light Department

Groton Electric Light Dept and Lightshift Energy partnered to bring two battery energy storage peak shaving projects onto the Groton system earlier this year. Combined, the projects will save well over $10 million for Groton ratepayers, while also providing critical backup power services to the community and delivering impactful emissions reductions. Groton GM Jon Patterson and Lightshift CTO Joe Leavitt will share early operational results and lessons learned from building and commissioning these innovative projects.

12:30 AM Grab and Go Lunch  

1:30 PM Adjourn


"I liked the intimate setting and getting to talk with a lot of people that don't make it to the Annual Meeting."

Jessica Barbier

Sales Manager, National Information Solutions Cooperative (NISC)

Attendee Registration

NEPPA's 2024 Energy Connect Conference will be held October 22 - 24, 2024 at the AC Marriott Hotel Worcester (125 Front St, Worcester, MA 01608).  Join your professional colleagues for educational sessions, roundtables, networking opporunities, sponsor exhibits and more!


2024 Attendee Registration Fees: 

Type Rate

Full Conference 

     Utility / Affiliate Member $399
      Non-Member $499
Wednesday, October 23rd ONLY
     Member  $299
      Non-Member $399
Thursday, October 24th ONLY      
      Member $249
      Non-Member $349
Awards Luncheon Only $75

IT Roundtable Only

 $75 / $100


The New England Electrification Leadership Summit held by the Beneficial Electricification League on Tuesday, October 22nd requires seperate registration and payment. Click the link below to visit Benefical Electrification League's website. There you can see the Leadership Summit agenda and submit your registration to attend.

Beneficial Electrification League Website

“Loved the diverse topics and very engaging. Really helped with new ideas and conversing with other utilities."

Dani Taylor

Energy Services Specialist, Middleborough Gas and Electric Department

Not yet a member? Join today and save money on your conference registration. Call 978-540-2200 or email

Sponsorship Registration 2024

Support NEPPA's Energy Connect Conference and reap the benefits of engaging with public power business managers, office managers, customer service & customer care manger and representatives from all over the Northeast Region.

Platinum Level Sponsorship Opportunities  ($1,750)
Platinum Level Sponsorship includes attendance for 2 representative and a 6' skirted table near the meeting room. 


  • Speaker Sessions
  • Breakfast
  • Lunch
  • Audio Visual
  • Team Building Activity

Gold Level Sponsorship Opportunities ($1,250)
Gold Level Sponsorship includes attendance for 1 representative and a 6' skirted table near the meeting room. 

Silver Level Sponsorship Opportunities  ($925)

Silver Sponsorship does not include attendance to the conference. Silver sponsors will have their logo on signs and materials on site, as well as our website and promotional communications. 

Sponsorship Opportunities

Be Noticed


Gold Silver
Logo Placement on Sponsor Signs On-Site at Conference X X X
Badge Ribbon Designation X X X
Company Logo in Promotional & On-Site Materials X X X
Verbal Recognition at Award Presentation & Lunch X X X
Attendance for Company Representative(s) X (2 Reps) X (1 Reps) Non- Attending
Table-Top Display near Meeting Room (6ft skirted table) X X
Special Signage at Reception, Dinner or Benevolent Fund Activity (See Opportunities Below) X

Want to sponsor something that is not listed?  Contact Wendy Esche at or call the office at (978) 540-2200.

*Display table space is limited, participants will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.



To make your overnight accommodations, please contact the hotel directly and mention you're with the Northeast Public Power Association or NEPPA Energy Connect Conference to get the group rate.

Rooms and rates are held until Monday, September 30, 2024 and are based on availability.

AC Hotel Worcester - $189/ night + tax
125 Front Street
Worcester, MA 01608
(774) 420-7555


Parking is available in the hotel garage for a fee.

Our group has a negotiated overnight parking rate of $10.00 per vehicle, per night.  Those staying at the hotel will receive validated parking at check-in and the charge will be added to their bill.

Day guests should tell the front desk that they are with the NEPPA conference to get the discounted daytime parking rate of $3.00 per vehicle.

All reservations require a credit card to guarantee each reservation or first night room deposit.  

You may cancel your reservation for no charge before (24 Hours prior to arrival). Please note that we will assess a fee of one night room rate if you must cancel after this deadline. If you have made a prepayment, we will retain all or part of your prepayment. If not, we will charge your credit card.

Check-in:  after 3:00 PM
Check-out:  12:00 PM   





Attend our Build-A-Bike ® Team Building Event at this year's NEPPA Energy Connect Conference! Engage with others while helping get local kids access to bikes. What better way to connect than giving back.





The bicycle build is just a small part of the Build-A-Bike ® team building event. What makes this charity bike build so special is the  energetic and competitive shared-experience. 

Learn more about The Leader's Institute's Build-A-Bike ® Team Building Activities.

Click here to view NEPPA’s Code of Conduct
Attendees of all our events are expected to abide by our core values. 

Questions:  Please contact or call the office at (978) 540-2200.