Benevolent Fund
What is the Benevolent Fund (BF)?
Every day, public power utilities are engaged in the demanding and often dangerous task of providing safe, reliable electric power to their communities at the lowest possible cost. As with any large family, the New England public power community is sometimes faced with unexpected tragedies: disabling accidents, sudden and prolonged illnesses, and even the tragic loss of life.
As a family, public power systems in New England have always rallied to provide support when tragedy strikes, donating time, skills and financial resources to assist during a period of need.
NEPPA’s Benevolent Fund was established to continue the tradition of providing support and resources in times of need. All funds raised and received are designated to be disbursed to public power employees, or their families, undergoing financial difficulties due to personal injury, illness or death.
All public power employees in New England are eligible to receive assistance from the Fund. Disbursements are approved by NEPPA’s Executive Committee.

Do you know of someone in need of assistance?
Please contact NEPPA’s Executive Director by calling the office at (978) 540-2200.
Formal requests should be submitted in writing from a utility general manager or board.
Supporting the Benevolent Fund
There are three ways to support this fund. You can make a direct donation through the link below, you can purchase Benevolent Fund clothing and gear through our shop or you can attend one of our Benevolent Fund fundraising events.
Products are shipped via USPS at no charge