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Engineering & Operations Conference and Expo

May 18, 2020 - May 19, 2020

***NEW THIS YEAR: NOW including Customer Service Track*** Agenda
(agenda details are still being finalized and are subject to change)
EO Conference TracksOperations Track | Management Track | Engineering Track | Customer Service Track

Monday, May 18, 2020

7:30 AM Registration, Continental Breakfast & Exhibitor Move-in

8:30 AM General Session – The Impact of an Injury – “What are you Risking” by Gary Norland & his wife Jeanne It was a Friday afternoon and Gary was at work trying to get his job done, but his focus was on other things. His wife Jeanne was working, trying to wrap up her week when a co-worker told her that there had been an accident and Gary was going to the hospital. What she didn’t know was Gary took 12,500 volts, 200 amps to his right ear and then to the back of his head. In a split second their lives drastically changed. That was over 25 years and roughly 70 surgeries ago. Now, Gary and Jeanne share a message that focuses on the impact of the choices he made. Through their story, you will see how a lack of focus can change everything. They have shared their story with employers and employees all over Canada and the US, and their message is simple. You can speak up and you should speak up when it comes to safety. You deserve a life without experiencing unnecessary tragedy.

9:30 AM

Break 9:45 AM

Breakout Sessions

management MANAGEMENT TRACK Transmission Cost

operations OPERATIONS TRACK OSHA Standards & Compliance Panel
This panel session will ask a series of questions about OSHA standards and compliance as it relates to the electric utility industry and will have an open Q&A session as well.

engineering ENGINEERING TRACK Bitcoin & Blockchain – Effect on Utilities by Prakash Santhana, Managing Director Deloitte Transactions & Business Analytics, LLP

Customer Service iconCUSTOMER SERVICE TRACK Mindful Thinking – The Skills to Free Yourself When Stress Takes Over by Jon Wortmann, thought LEADERS, LLC Stress, which can drive us crazy, is actually a valuable signal from our brain. This workshop teaches how to reduce, manage, and recover from stress faster and with intention.

10:45 AM Break & Exhibit Hall Opens

11:00 AM Breakout Sessions

management MANAGEMENT TRACK Best Pratices – Utility Arborist Association by Amy Murray, Davey

operations OPERATIONS TRACK Spacer Cable Systems – Installation, Operations & Maintenance Discussion by Ted Gardner, Technical Manager, Hendrix Aerial Cable Systems & Molded

engineering ENGINEERING TRACK Behind the Meter Generation to Calculate Network Load & ISO by David Cavanaugh, ENE

Customer Service iconCUSTOMER SERVICE TRACK Conflict Resolution – Focusing on the Customer by Jon Wortmann, thought LEADERS, LLC The customer is not always right, and we have to manage conflict with intention and poise. How? This workshop invites a new attitude and the specific techniques that transform customers from angry to partners in solving their problems.

12:00 PM Lunch in the Exhibit Hall

2:00 PM Breakout Sessions/Demos

management MANAGEMENT TRACK Commonwealth Fusion Center – Massachusetts Cybersecurity Program by Sergeant Brian Gavioli, Massachusetts State Police.

operations OPERATIONS TRACK NERC Distributed Energy and the Impacts on the UFLS Program by Brian Robinson, Utility Services

engineering ENGINEERING TRACK Understanding Moisture Transformers by Thomas Prevost, VP Innovation and R&D – Weidmann Electrical Technology

Customer Service iconCUSTOMER SERVICE TRACK Changing Work Place Ethics/ Different Generations by Dierdre Lawrence, Duncan & Allen

3:00 PM Raffle Drawing in Exhibit Hall

3:30 PM Adjourn & Exhibitor Breakdown/Load Out

3:00 PM Mutual Aid Committee Meeting

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

7:30 AM Breakfast

8:30 AM Breakout Sessions

management MANAGEMENT TRACK GM/ GF Roundtable: What are the things that keep you up at night? What are your plans if a catastrophic event happens? Are you ready? Facilitated by Ken Stone, BELD

operations OPERATIONS TRACK: SAFETY SUMMIT Switching & Tagging – Transmission vs. Distribution? by TBD .

engineering ENGINEERING TRACK Engineering Roundtable/ TBD by TBD

9:00 AM NEPPA Board of Directors Meeting

9:30 AM Break

9:45 AM Breakout Sessions


engineering ENGINEERING TRACK Engineering Roundtable/ TBD

11:00 AM Conference Adjourns

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Please click on the link to register online or download the appropriate forms below.

Attendee registration Exhibitor registration Sponsor registration

Click here to download the Attendee Registration Form.

Click here to download the Exhibitor Registration Form.

Click here to download the Sponsor Registration Form.


If you need overnight accommodations, please contact the hotel directly to make your reservation. Be sure to mention the Northeast Public Power Association or NEPPA to get the negotiated rate. Rooms and rates are held until Friday, April 24, 2020. Sheraton Framingham Hotel & Conference Center – $149/night + tax 1657 Worcester Road Framingham, MA 01701 (800) 325-3535 You may also make your reservations online at: Book your group rate for NEPPA Engineering & Operations Conference Questions? Please call the office at (978) 540-2200.