IT Roundtable
October 24, 2023 (12:00 pm – 4:30 pm) | Wylie Inn and Conference Center (295 Hale Street, Beverly, MA 01915)
The agenda is being finalized and is therefore subject to change.
12:00 pm Registration and Lunch
12:45 pm Welcome & Scope of I.T. Roundtable Meetings
Michael Hyland, Executive Director, NEPPA
1:00 pm Attendee Introductions
1:45 pm Roundtable Discussion
Issues Identification and Discussion
- mobile device management due to COVID
- spam filtering
- cybersecurity
- employee training
- documentation
- empowering field workforce
3:00 pm Break
3:15 pm Roundtable Continued
4:00 pm Next Meeting Discussion
4:30 pm Adjourn
5:00 om Welcome Reception
Members: $50.00
Non-Members: $75.00
Questions? Don’t hesitate to call the office at (978) 540-2200.