2024 RodE&O Conference & Expo

NEPPA’s 2024 RodE&O Conference and Expo was held May 7-9, 2024 at The Nantasket Beach Resort (45 Hull Shore Drive, Hull, MA 02045). This annual event is a great opporunity to join your professional colleagues for 2.5 days of skilled competition, educational sessions, roundtables, networking, sponsor exhibits, and more!
This event has passed. Registration is now closed.
click tab below for more information
Agenda 2024
Monday, May 6, 2024
12:00 PM Lunch for Golfers
1:00 PM Benevolent Fund Activity:
Golf Tournament – Shotgun 1:00 PM
Widow's Walk Golf Course – 9 holes
250 Driftway
Scituate, MA 02066
5:00 PM Lineworkers Rodeo Judges Meeting - Rodeo Event Tent
Tuesday, May 7, 2024
7:30 AM Registration, Continental Breakfast – Rodeo Event Tent
9:00 AM Competition begins - 16th Annual Lineworkers Rodeo
Hull Shore Commons (HRA)
Hull Shore Drive
Hull, MA 02045
11:30 AM Lunch
5:00 PM Reception and Cash Bar
6:00 PM Dinner Buffet (at The Nantasket Beach Resort)
7:00 PM Award Presentation & Raffle
Wednesday, May 8, 2024
7:00 AM Registration, Breakfast Buffet
8:15 AM Welcome & Intro
8:30 AM Keynote Speaker–Intentional Excellence of Human Performance
by James Merlo, KnowledgeVine
9:30 AM Break
9:45 AM Breakout Sessions
Operations Track
Understanding Arc Flash Hazards & Analysis
by David Morrissey, P.E., Asplundh Engineering Services
Engineering Track
So, you have a GIS System in Place...Now What? Part One
Facilitator: David Ketchen, LELWD, Presenters: Brian Abcunas, Peabody Municipal Light Plant
10:45 AM Break
11:00 AM Breakout Sessions
Management Track
Navigating Cybersecurity Challenges in the Electric Sector
by Joseph “Joe” Flores, Massachusetts Cybersecurity Advisor (CSA) for the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
Engineering Track
So you have a GIS System in Place...Now What? part Two (GIS and AMI for Engineering Analysis)
by Brian Lassiter, Milsoft Utility Solutions, Jason Small, Danvers Electric Division and Kelly Kobrenski, Danvers Electric Division
12:00 Lunch and Exhibit Hall (Nantasket Ballroom)
1:00 PM Mutual Aid Committee Meeting
1:30 PM Demo#1 - Going Beyond the Perimeter
Tom Kelley, Axis Communications
2:00 PM Demo#2 - Locating and Pinpointing Underground Cable Faults
Dan Hurley, Megger
2:30 PM Demo#3 - Equipment Check (Good/Bad)
Cressey Mollison, Hydron
3:30 PM - Cornhole Tournament - email plaverty@lelwd.com to sign up
3:45 PM Raffle Drawing in Exhibit Hall
4:00 PM Adjourn & Exhibitor Breakdown/Load Out
Thursday, May 9, 2024
7:00 AM Breakfast Buffet
8:30 AM Breakout Sessions
Management Track
What is the Difference Between a Supervisor and a Manager?
Anthony Calascibetta, NEPPA
Operations Track
Exploring the Why’s of FR workwear
by Andrew Perillo and Sophia Dixon, Blaklader
9:00 AM Board of Directors Meeting
9:30 AM Break
9:45 AM Breakout Session
Management Track
Insurance Necessities and Contractual Risk Transfer
by Nichole Magnifico, PURMA
Engineering Track
Engineering Roundtable
Facilitated by David Ketchen, Chair of the NEPPA Engineering Subcommittee
10:45 AM Break
11:00 AM Breakout Session
Operations Track
Roadmap to Career Development Program (CDP)
Presentation by Dr. Arthur "Art" Graziano, Braintree Electric Department
Engineering Track
Engineering Roundtable - Part 2
Moderator: David Ketchen, Chair of the NEPPA Engineering Subcommittee
12:00 PM Box Lunch
1:00 PM Conference Adjourns

We at Hull Municipal Lighting Plant are honored and humbled to be chosen to host the 2024 NEPPA RodE&O happening this coming May. Hull is, and will always be, a strong supporter of NEPPA, and an active participant in its programs and events. Being a host of such an important event for public power in New England will shine a light on small light plants like us, and the quality of people who dedicate themselves to making sure we succeed in everything we do.

This event has passed. Registration is now closed.
Click here for printable RodE&O Agenda - last update 5/3/24
Registration Fees 2024
Attendee Registration:
(2.5 days) Attendee registration fees includes access to Rodeo & Awards Dinner Tuesday, educational breakout sessions on Wednesday and Thursday, admission to Expo Hall, breakfast, lunch, and breaks. Lodging and dinner Wednesday are not included.
RodE&O Conference and Expo (2.5 days):
By April 9th | As of April 10th |
Member - $399 | Member - $449 |
Non-Member - $435 | Non-Member - $485 |
E&O Conference and Expo Only (1.5 days):
By April 9th | As of April 10th |
Member - $349 | Member - $399 |
Non-Member - $395 | Non-Member - $445 |
Expo Only (1 day):
By April 9th | As of April 10th |
Member - $299 | Member - $349 |
Non-Member - $349 | Non-Member - $399 |
Attendee Cancellations:
Cancellations are accepted until Friday, April 19th. Substitutions may be made at any time.
Exhibit Registration:
Exhibit registration fees includes Wednesday and Thursday educational breakout sessions, admission to Expo Hall, breakfast, lunch, and breaks. Each Table-Top Display space includes registration for one representative. If reserving more than one Table, please register using a separate name and form for each booth. Lodging and dinner Wednesday are not included.
Table-Top Display Space: Included: table with linen, (2) chairs, electricity available at a fee).
Member - $595
Non-Member - $925
10' x 33' Truck/ Trailer Space: (Outdoor parking/display, Engines cannot run during show) (5/8).
Member - $695
Non-Member - $1,025
Table-Top Display Space + Truck/Trailer space (same sizes as above)
Member - $895
Non-Member - $1,225
Additional Representatives at Display Space (5/8).
Member / Non-Member - $225

The following food functions/ meals are included in the conference registration fee:
1.5 days: Breakfast (Wed/Thurs), Lunch/ Reception (Wed)
2.5 days: All of the above and Continental Breakfast, Lunch and Award dinner (Tues)
Exhibitor Cancellations:
Cancellations are accepted until Friday, April 12th. Substitutions may be made at any time.
This event has passed. Registration is now closed.
Click here for printable RodE&O agenda - last update 5/3/24
Questions? Contact Wendy Esche at wesche@neppa.org or call the office at (978) 540-2200.
Sponsor Registration 2024
Support NEPPA's RodE&O Conference and Expo and gain recognition for your organizations!
This year exhibitors will not have a formal exhibit hall, instead display tables will be available and set-up at The Nantasket Beach Resort (45 Hull Shore Drive, Hull, MA 02045) to be visited during lunch & reception on Wednesday, May 8th (11:00 am - 4:00 pm).
*Display table space is limited. Participants will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
Please review sponsorship opportunities and complete sponsorship registration using the link below. Or the Printable sponsorship forms should be returned to registrar@neppa.org
Sponsorship Opportunities
2023 Sponsors

Be Noticed | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze |
Logo Placement on Sponsor Signs On-Site at Conference | X | X | X | X |
Badge Ribbon Designation | X | X | X | X |
Company Logo in Promotional & On-Site Materials | X | X | X | X |
Verbal Recognition at Events | X | X | X | X |
Company Logo on RodE&O Shirts | X | X | X | X |
Special Signage (See Opportunities Below) | X | X | X | |
Attendance at Awards Dinner (5/9), RodE&O Conference* (5/10) and includes T-Shirt(s) * Does NOT include exhibitor space at Expo |
X (3 Reps) Value: $675 |
X (2 Reps) Value: $450 |
X (1 Reps) Value: $225 |
Rodeo Exhibit Space (i.e. Truck/ Trailer or Set-up Own Table) | X | X | X | |
Logo Placement on Conference Bags | X |
Platinum Level Sponsorship Opportunities ($1,650)
Platinum sponsors will have their logo featured on Conference Bags handed out at registration.
Branded Lanyards
Lunch –Wednesday, May 8th -or- Thursday, May 9th
Networking Reception (Food & Drinks) – Wednesday, May 8th
Breakfast – Breakfast Wednesday, May 8th -or- Breakfast Thursday, May 9th
Rodeo Banner (winning team takes home to display)
Gold Level Sponsorship Opportunities ($1,100)
Morning Break Refresh – Wednesday, May 8th - or- Thursday, May 9th
Speaker Sponsorship – Wednesday, May 8th
Rodeo Event – (Hurt Man Rescue, Three Phase Dead End Insulator Replacement, 4kV Cutout Replacement, Transformer Changeout, Obstacle Course, or Speed Climb with bell)
Silver Level Sponsorship Opportunities ($825)
Rodeo Reception (Food & Drinks) – Tuesday, May 7th
Rodeo Awards Dinner – Pig Roast – Tuesday, May 7th
A/V Sponsor
Bronze Level Sponsorship ($550)
Bronze Level Sponsors will have their logo placed on select materials on-site, as well as the Rodeo shirt.
Additional Sponsorship Opportunities
Cornhole Tournament: $1,800 | ||
Drink Tasting: $1,800 |
Door Prizes Always Welcome!
Additional Benevolent Fund Activity Sponsorships: Monday, May 6th
Golf Tournament – Widow's Walk Golf Course
Tee Sponsor (one per hole) $250 each
Golf Cart Sponsor - $750
Lunch Sponsor - $500
Awards Reception Sponsor - $500
Sponsor Cancellations:
Cancellations are accepted until Wednesday, April 12th. Substitutions may be made at any time.
If you don't see something on the above list you would like to sponsor please contact Wendy Esche wesche@neppa.org or call the office at (978) 540-2200.
This event has passed. Registration is closed.
16th Annual Lineworkers Rodeo
May 7-9, 2024

NEPPA’s Annual Lineworkers Rodeo features three-person teams competing in six different events. Each event’s primary purpose is to promote safe work practices. The rodeo is designed to enhance skills and job knowledge, foster stronger working relationships, encourage teamwork, and provide a better understanding of utility work for families and other attendees.

Rodeo Events
Monday, May 7th (Hull Shore Commons & Grounds) | |
6:00 pm | Judges Meeting at Event Tent |
Tuesday, May 8th (Hull Shore Commons & Grounds) | |
7:30 am | Registration opens at Hull Shore Commons & Grounds |
9:00 am | Competition begins |
11:30 am | Lunch |
5:00 pm | Reception and Cash Bar |
6:00 pm | Dinner |
7:00 pm | Awards and Raffle |
Wednesday, May 9th (The Nantasket Beach Resort) |
8:00 am | E&O (see RodE&O Agenda) |
11:00 am | Exhibit Hall opens (Nantasket Beach Resort) |
2024 Events
Team Fees
Team and Individual Registration fees include attendance and participation in the 1-day Rodeo ($775/$260) or the FULL 2.5-day RodE&O Conference ($1,150/$390).
Team of 3 $775 | $1,150
Individual Participant $260 | $390
Awards Dinner ONLY (5/7/24) $55 per person
Event has passed. Registration is now closed.

Team Cancellations are accepted until Wednesday, April 24, 2024. Substitutions may be made at any time.
Questions? Rodeo Events: Contact Ken Stone, Middleborough Gas & Electric Dept. kstone@mged.com, 781-953-2184
or call the NEPPA office at (978) 540-2200.
Lodging 2024
To make your overnight accommodations, please contact the hotel directly and mention you're with the Northeast Public Power Association or 2024 NEPPA RodE&O to get the rate. Rooms and rates are held until Monday, April 15, 2024 and are based on availability.
Nantasket Beach Resort - $149/night + tax
45 Hull Shore Drive
Hull, MA 02045
(888) 641-4175
Check-in is 4:00 pm and check-out is 11:00 am.
Guestroom Amenity Fee:
There is a $10 per room, per night amenity fee – includes parking, 2 bottles of water upon arrival, pool access, fitness center access, Wi-Fi, and hotel room amenities that is included in the agreed rate.
The above nightly guestroom rates are subject to state/occupancy taxes, currently totaling 9.7%. This tax is subject to change.

Each guest is responsible for the guarantee of their reservation by credit card payment in the amount of one night’s room rate and taxes at the time of making a reservation. Nantasket Beach Resort does not pre-assign guestroom locations; guestroom locations are subject to availability. There is a $15.00 per person charge for more than two adults in a guestroom.
Individual Guestroom Cancellations:
In an event of an individual guestroom cancellation – this cancellation would need to be made 8 days prior to the schedule arrival date to receive the initial deposit refund. Any cancellation received within 7 days of the arrival date is a 100% cancellation penalty fee of all deposits collected. In an event of an individual guestroom “No-Show” the reservation will be cancelled, and any applicable deposits will be forfeited.
Benevolent Fund Event 2024

Widow's Walk Golf Course
250 Driftway
Scituate, MA 02066
Please note:
New Day of week this YEAR!
Golf Tournament ($100)!
Play 9 holes at the beautiful Scituate, Massachusetts golf course and support NEPPA’s Benevolent Fund at the same time! Golf registration fees will cover greens, cart fees and net proceeds are donated to the Benevolent Fund.
About the Course
Located on the coast midway between Boston and Plymouth, Widow's Walk is a municipally owned 18-hole layout adjacent to the historic North River and within sight of the Atlantic Ocean.
America's first "environmental demonstration course," Widow's Walk opened to much fanfare and national acclaim in 1997. Since then it has been designated as an Audubon International, Certified Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary.
Registration Fees Include:
• Golf Cart
• Scoring
• Tournament Scoring
• Gift Bag
• Lunch
• Awards Reception

This event has passed. Registration is now closed.
Questions? Contact wesche@neppa.org or call the NEPPA office at (978) 540-2200.
Questions: Please contact registrar@neppa.org or call the office at (978) 540-2200.