The Hudson Light and Power Department (HLPD), located in Hudson Massachusetts, is seeking
to fill a full time Customer Service/Administrative Assistant position.
Hudson Light and Power is a municipal electric utility serving the Towns of Hudson and Stow
Massachusetts that offers competitive salaries and excellent benefits which include a
guaranteed pension.
The ideal candidate will have an Associate’s Degree in Business Administration and:
- Five years of customer service experience
- Administrative Assistant experience
- Excellent verbal and written communication skills
- Familiarity with municipal light plants or electric utility operations
- Computer literacy (Microsoft Office, Outlook, file directories, etc.)
- Familiarity with payroll and human resource activities
- Ability to learn SEDC billing software
- Willingness to provide emergency support after hours
Duties will include providing customer service via phone and in person, performing Human
Resource functions including employee benefits management, tracking employee training and
testing, payroll, and hiring administration, and supporting the General Manager and the Board
of Commissioners as an Administrative Assistant. The salary range is between $67,600 and
$75,920 per year.
Employment applications are available at www.hudsonlight.com and can be submitted via
email at info@hudsonlight.com or mailed to Hudson Light and Power Department, 49 Forest
Avenue, Hudson MA 01749; ATTN: Business Manager. Please include a resume along with the
The Hudson Light and Power Department does not discriminate on the basis of political or religious affiliation, race,
color, national origin, place of birth, ancestry, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, veteran
status, disability, HIV positive status, or genetic information.