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  3. Virtually
Events at this venue

@Your-Site Virtual: Underground Distribution Review


April 4, 2022 | Zoom Meeting (8:30 am - 10:00 am)At NEPPA, we are committed to helping our members enhance their safety awareness and develop effective training and risk management programs to better prepare and protect their organizations and employees. As part of our commitment to our members to provide high-quality technical and safety training, […]

@Your-Site Virtual: Rigging, Ropes & Safety


At NEPPA, we are committed to helping our members enhance their safety awareness and develop effective training and risk management programs to better prepare and protect their organizations and employees. As part of our commitment to our members to provide high-quality technical and safety training, particularly in the shadows of COVID-19, we are pleased to […]

@Your-Site Virtual: Substation Components & Safety


March 24, 2022 | Zoom Meeting (8:30 am - 10:00 am)At NEPPA, we are committed to helping our members enhance their safety awareness and develop effective training and risk management programs to better prepare and protect their organizations and employees. As part of our commitment to our members to provide high-quality technical and safety training, […]

@Your-Site Virtual: Meter Safety – Postponed


At NEPPA, we are committed to helping our members enhance their safety awareness and develop effective training and risk management programs to better prepare and protect their organizations and employees. As part of our commitment to our members to provide high-quality technical and safety training, particularly in the shadows of COVID-19, we are pleased to […]

@Your-Site Virtual APPA Safety Manual II – Postponed


At NEPPA, we are committed to helping our members enhance their safety awareness and develop effective training and risk management programs to better prepare and protect their organizations and employees. As part of our commitment to our members to provide high-quality technical and safety training, particularly in the shadows of COVID-19, we are pleased to […]

@Your-Site Virtual: APPA Safety Manual I – Postponed


At NEPPA, we are committed to helping our members enhance their safety awareness and develop effective training and risk management programs to better prepare and protect their organizations and employees. As part of our commitment to our members to provide high-quality technical and safety training, particularly in the shadows of COVID-19, we are pleased to […]

NEPPA’s Customer Service Virtual Roundtable: Breakouts!


No conference this year? No problem! Join NEPPA's Customer Service Subcommittee for a virtual roundtable covering hot topics in the Public Power industry. Members will meet in small groups to share insights into best practices, discuss current programs and help provide tools for the future!Who Should Attend?This course is suitable for anyone new or established […]

@Your-Site Virtual: Electrical Theory


NEPPA is committed to providing high-quality technical and safety training, particularly in the shadows of COVID-19, and is pleased to continue offering a new series of live, instructor-led @Your-Site Virtual Training sessions.

@Your-Site Virtual Underground Distribution Review


At NEPPA, we are committed to helping our members enhance their safety awareness and develop effective training and risk management programs to better prepare and protect their organizations and employees.

As part of our commitment to our members to provide high-quality technical and safety training, particularly in the shadows of COVID-19, we are pleased to continue offering a new series of live, instructor-led @Your-Site Virtual Training sessions.

@Your-Site Virtual Work Zone Safety


At NEPPA, we are committed to helping our members enhance their safety awareness and develop effective training and risk management programs to better prepare and protect their organizations and employees.

As part of our commitment to our members to provide high-quality technical and safety training, particularly in the shadows of COVID-19, we are pleased to continue offering a new series of live, instructor-led @Your-Site Virtual Training sessions.

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